Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lucky Day Give-Away: Microcrafts

This is a book called Microcrafts, compiled by Margaret McGuire, Alicia Kachmar, Katie Hatz and friends.  The book is a collection of lovely, teeny-weeny crafts of all sorts--nearly every project in here is smaller than a spool of thread, and we all know tiny directly translates to sweet and clever in the crafting lexicon.   The projects are designed by a pell-mell assortment of crafters--one of which includes me (giggling coyly behind my hand, blushing, swelling preposterously with pride, but also wishing you would all stop looking at me now...no, really, do stop now...).
I have two designs in the book, actually--my Bitty Bow Wow (listed generically as Dogs in the table of contents) and all of his itty bitty doggie accoutrement...
...and my Matchbox Monsters (called Monster Babies here) with their little diapers and matchbox bed with a scrap of a blankie to snuggle under.
Oh--but there is more.  Lots more, people.  This book has 25 teeny projects!  The craft mediums range from plushie sewing to book binding to jewlery-making to button crafts to quilling to gardening, for god's sake! Check out a few of my faves...
...the taxidremy-inspired Deer Heads by Katie Hatz...
...the Candy Charms by Mei Pak...
...the Spool Dolls by Hope Watthanaphand...
...the Planets (Pluto included!) mobile by Alicia Kachmar and Melaine Kachmar...
..and what may be the sweetest little fairy-tale-inspired greeting cards ever by Larissa Holland (you know, from Mmmcrafts).  The book includes clear step by step instructions for each project with full-size templates, as well as an appedix with further info on supplies and basic techniques.  And the photography of the projects is really lovely (which may not matter to you, but good photography with nice styling is half of what sells a book to me--it inspires me in a way the project alone would not). I am just uber-pleased to be part of this book.

The book is slated to be released October 4th--you can pre-order a copy right here.  But, if you cannot wait, and are feeling a little lucky, I happen to have a a couple of copies right here that I am giving away.  Yep.  All you have to do is leave a comment here by end of day, Friday, September 30th, telling me why itty-bitty crafts appeal to you, or which project you cannot wait to make, or what was the best teeny craft project you have ever made.  I will announce two winners--maybe on Saturday, but you all probably know me better than to count on that.  Let's just say I will announce the winners some time (in the not so distant future, perhaps).

And by the by, Micrcocrafts is published by Quirk Books--a clever little publisher who puts out some not-so-everyday-sorta-books.  Which I tell you because they also published Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs earlier this year.  I have read it and will be reading it to Beeper real soon because I know he would love it at least as much as I did--and you should read it too.   I believe it is billed as a young adult novel but you should not ever let that scare you away from reading a book because a good book is a good book, no matter which age group it may be aimed at (do you need me to remind you how utterly fantastic The Hunger Games trilogy was and how those were all "YA books").  You can read about the book here, and should, at the very least, check out the intriguing video trailer about the book here.  (and if you are still hungry for more--see the author's fascinating video journal about his exploration of abandoned homes in Europe in order to get video to use in the book trailer--right here...)


Timmi said...

Oh those are so cute! I loved miniatures as a child and wish I still had some of them.

tara said...

When i was little my mom made me a tiny plush fabric house with liyyle felt goldilocks and the 3 bears. I loved it and wish i still had it. Every so often i search for that pattern.
Btw i loved Miss Perigrines Home for Peculiar Children

Becky said...

I love tiny crafts because somehow they are less intimidating to me than big projects like quilting. :) I used to make all kinds of tiny dollhouse furniture when I was little.

Leah said...

Anything miniature always gets my vote! Will get my hands on a copy sone how! Thanks

breezebot said...

I am just now getting really good at crafts. I am learning how to sew as we speak! But bookbinding has been the one craft I've done since forever. I would love this book, everything looks so adorable and fun! I really like the tiny solar system.

SuzyMcQ said...

Big congrats on your contribution to this special book, it looks amazing! I love mini's and your pup with the doggie bed, well, it's beyond adorable. I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Brooke said...

I haven't really ventured into tiny crafts yet... But oh they are so irresistable! I would love to try the monsters! So cute.

Mhairi said...

I love mini crafts - they fit in your pocket, go anywhere with you and then whenyou are finished they can fit in someone elses pocket and go anywhere with them. I love the little dog. Very cute.

Amanda said...

ooh, looks like a very promising book! I wonder if that mini taxidermy deer head would go in my Blythe's room...

Holly said...

Oh, I've loved your little dog since you posted pictures a while back! I am always drawn to tiny things, though MAKING tiny things is such a challenge. But I did make my son's kindergarten class little polymer clay food zipper pulls a few years ago, and it was so satisfying to whip up, say, eight tiny ice cream cones at one time.

Jennyroo said...

I think the miniatures remind me of childhood treasures... so many wonderful tiny things that can fit in your pocket or the drawer underneath the twirling ballerina jewelry box! Would love to be the lucky winner!

Christy said...

My foray to crafting started with little, tiny crafts! Your work is adorable in this book.

Mandi said...

Everything is better in miniature! Except maybe dessert... Picking one favorite from the book is difficult, but I have to say the miniature taxidermy-inspired deer heads really caught my eye. I love anything to do with deer, and the fact that they're tiny is just icing on the cake!

Caren said...

those little monsters are jumping up and down waving their tentacles, yelling at me "pick me! pick me!" They ALL want to hide in my 5 yr old son's lunchbox!!!

Lisa said...

I adore all things miniature!! I immediately added this wonderful book to my Amazon wishlist. I love making altered matchboxes, and would love to try my hand at one of your monster babies. I also adore miniature books, and have made some, but none quite like the book has. Thanks for a chance to win!!

kristin said...

i'm all about everything tiny. looks like a fun one. and more good reads to check out. thx.

Kierstin said...

I love small toys. My kids to too. They get very drawn into the world they create with whatever small thing they're playing with. I recently made some tiny farm animals and would love to make the monsters. I can imagine my boys using the tiny monsters to scare the tiny cows and horses!

Błahostki Małej Mi said...

I must do Matchbox Monsters:) There are amazing!!!!

Muhku said...

This book looks awesome! Just the book for me since I love making tiny things. I could be making something useful like clothes but instead I always make cute little things. But the world needs more cute little things, doesn't it? :)

Jacqui said...

What a neat-looking book! I like little things because they're generally faster and have masses of cute factor. Those deer heads are hilarious!

And thank you for the pointer to the Miss Peregrin book, it looks interesting, and the trailer is deliciously creepy! But wow that film about looking for the abandoned houses was AMAZING! I'll definitely be watching that a few times.

Joana said...

I really lake to make minicrafts. I once made a pincushion with a pistacio shell. That book sounds a lot of fun :-)

Anonymous said...

This is so lovely.
I love to make this small crafts for mailing them as random acts of kindness.

Jen Law said...

A few years ago I saw some very cure solar system magnets from muji but they were discontinued, I was so disappointed, but I think the solar system mobile might make up for it.

teeny tiny house said...

i live in a teeny tiny house so teeny tiny crafts really appeal to me and my lack of space
lucy x

Anonymous said...

Tiny crafts appeal to me because I can take the supplies anywhere to make them. Great for traveling, waiting to pick up children from dance class, etc.

FruitSaladStudios said...

I plan to gift the book to my teenage cousins [Winning a copy would be awesome! I might have to keep it for myself though...] - they have a whole feast of tiny polymer clay foods they have made.

Scented Sweetpeas said...

oohh I am hoping it is my lucky day as that book looks so cute! The items would be idea to fill my little ones playhouse that we have just created. HHhmmm the favs from your post so far are the little teddy, little monsters and the candy charms. x

C. Jaeger said...

Congrats! The book looks like so much fun!

The Bell's Have Moved! said...

Microcrafts May Make My Monday Mornings Magically Marvellous - Merci!
Cheryl x

~Heather said...

Two reasons come to mind:
1. So my little lads hands can help.
2. We live in a small home and big crafts would overwhelm the space.

Jen said...

I would love to make the little monsters for my sons, especially with Halloween coming up! Just found your blog and loving it!

Jeanine The Crafting Fiend said...

oh my goodness I want to win this!!!! I love all things tiny - always did - polly pockets were my favorite as a kid! and all mini toys. I so want to make my girl tiny cute things too!

PeaceMama said...

wow! i too love all things tiny from memories as a child...i loved, loved, loved looking at tiny eggs filled with easter scenes. something about being the same size as a fairy. would love to make these crafts with my kids now! (so glad to see your matchbox pals, plus the taxidermy heads and the planet mobile!)

Elizabeth said...

I think I would make the tiny little doggies....they look like they would fit the tiny little kitchen set I have from my childhood...a LONG time ago!

Gissellina said...

the book looks amazing! i wanna trie the baby monsters. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mandy said...

Oh, how I would love this book! I found your site in a sort of accidental, serendipitous way. I have to tell you, my interest was piqued as I read the word "accoutrement." At the mention of Pluto's inclusion in the solar system model, I inched closer to the edge of my seat. By the time I made it to "Miss Peregrine" I swore I would be your reader for life. Or until you stop blogging. Or until blogging is so 1995, and all of the crafting geniuses move on to some yet-undeveloped instant-publication medium.

JakDeeandKids said...

I just love miniatures -- they are so portable and are challegning (in a fun way) to make. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Nothing is cuter than itty-bitty toys! It brings me back to when I was a child, and loved to imagine whole worlds made up of miniature creatures and things!

Larissa Holland said...

Holley, love this review and your way of wording things just right. Thanks so much for the shout out about the cards. I tell you I actually squealed when I first saw your bitty teeny tiny dog, bear and monsters in diapers. If I can ever dig out from under my to do pile, those will be high on my list. Oh, by the way, no need include me in the giveaway, Ha! I just got my books yesterday and I'm having so much fun looking through everything. Just wanted to comment.

Jennifer Ladd said...

I would LOVE to make my daughter the Bitty Bow Wow - she would A-D-O-R-E it!!

jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

sorbetsurprise said...

I love them! When I was little I used to spend a lot of time making clothing for fairies so this is right up my street!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, oh my! I have just had half the office surrounding my desk checking out these minicrafts! Yes, we do our work as well! But how fabulous are they? I love tiny crafts (it's just like playing with a dolls house again). If you giveaway is open to overseas readers (I'm in Australia), I'd love to make the candy charms jewelry. So cute! Thank you for sharing...and congratulations on your fabulous inclusions in the book!

Vacama said...

I love little tiny things! As size decreases, cuteness increases exponentially!

ginny said...

I would love to win a copy.As a child and now as an adult I am always fascinated by tiny things and how they are made.

Anonymous said...

Cuz they're tiny! Who doesn't love cute, tiny things? For whatever reason, they have a cozy feeling.

Julie said...

ACK! I want, want, want this book (will be putting it on my Christmas wish list). Why do I like tiny things? I don't know I just do. Love your project the best out of what you showed. I bet my kids would like the diapered monsters. I have a bunch of matchboxes saved in various sizes just for projects like these. One of my favorite tiny projects I have made is a teeny origami swan. I made it out of a 7/8" piece of tissue paper. In the middle of reading Mrs. Peregrine. Sorry for running on--very excited.

Thoroughly Modern Mom said...

I love how stinking adorable anything that small is. I always struggle with the actual crafting, but I am invariably pleased with myself when it's all finished.

Yreana said...

Oh My! I am so excited! I would love to win a copy because I have been wanting to learn how to make bitty bow wow since I first found it on your blog - it is so precious! :)

Hope said...

Teeny craft Awesomeness!I was doing a google image search for spool dolls and there it was..my spool dolls page looking back at me from your blog! Thank you for posting them,they look great!Their photography is fantastic in the book-good pics are a definite draw for me as well. Congrats on your contribution! So exciting:D

Stella said...

I don't know whether this is open internationally (I hope so!), but I think this book was written for me (or for people like me, anyway!). I love nothing better than making itty bitty things, in fact, I am currently working on a whole range of tiny little party favours for my daughters second birthday - SO much fun! So far I have:
A tiny ted paper doll in a matchbox bed (based on the story Tiny Ted's Big Adventure by Peter Bowman), complete with a handmade mini quilt and a little mattress. I have also made some mini bunting, and mini teepee DIY kids, along with machine stitched mini versions of the story for the kids to keep - and of course some tiny packets of mini m&m's for them to snack on while they read...

I honestly think that I would carry on making mini things for these favour bags, but you have to stop somewhere... I'll try to remember to come back and leave a link when I blog about it, in case you want to have a look!

Jennifer said...

oh I want this book!!! I want to make the taxidremy-inspired Deer Heads!! Or the spool dolls! Soooo cute!

Jennifer said...

I would love to make any of these for my kids....aww heck, who am I kidding, I love minatures too! Who ever really outgrows the enjoyment of something tiny and adorable??

Anonymous said...

I would love to make some monster babies for my children..they are right up their alley!

Christina said...

Eeeeh everything looks SO cute, I would love to win a copy! I am on serious crafting kick right now and love anything to fuel the fire of creativity that is happening! I am actually about to start your plush alphabet magnets as my first sewing project and I am super excited. Wish me luck :D

PS - The Hunger Games books are really truly amazing.

numsi said...

Congrats! Awesome looking book to be in! Sweeet!

Amanda Pedro said...

wow! I'm sure every page will bring a squeal of delight! just like Christmas morning!
Thanks for sharing!