Friday, July 18, 2008

From Belgium, with Love

I wanted to share the goodies I picked up for my family and friends while in Belgium this past week. First, I always try to pick up something local for Juni while I am traveling, especially while in another country--and in Mechelen, there are some wonderful little toy shops full of Haba, Plan Toys, and other European brands. Since Juni is way into superheros and other little figures he can imaginatively play out ridiculous scenarios with (like Batman hugging a T Rex whom he, apprently, has not seen in a long time--the conversation went something like this, "Hey Batman! It's me, T Rex." To which Batman naturally replied, "Cool. Hi T. Rex. Come give me a hug.").
So, I saw these little Babar figurines and had to buy them.
They are made by a French company called Plastoys and are vividly hand painted--quite beautiful, really. Of course, they will end up in the bath tub, buried in the sandbox and thrown off the steps by spiderman, or something--all in the name of play.

I also picked up this little first word book. I could not resist--the photos are so utterly representative of what I think of as life in Europe--and the words are in Flemish, of course. But why not learn a few words in Flemish--especially Patat Met, which is essential to visiting Belgium since they do have the best damn fries in the world (with mayo, of course).

And of course, I had to buy chocolate--I mean, they would not even allow me to board the plane for my return flight without buying some, so I just went down to the main square and stocked up at Neuhaus Chocolates--to be on the safe side.
Bought a box for us, a box for each set of parents (mine and Brian's), a box of truffles for my dear friend Kendra (thanks for watching our boy overnight one night while both Brian and I were away for work travel), and bag of florentine-like chocolates (those in the bag on the right).

The Belgians really do make the best chocolates--I get weak in the knees just looking at this photo. And the white chocolate too makes me want to die--especially when combined with this hazelnut ganache still my beating heart. So, why not a little chocolate or too with breakfast? Helps with the jet lag...

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