Sunday, July 6, 2008

Just Born

Here are they are, just born. I am still in the process of finishing up their diapers, bibs, blankies, baby tees, etc...but expect to do that tonight and have them in my shop by Tuesday. In the meantime, they are napping quietly in their cozy little boxes.

It has been such a good, good July 4th weekend. Filled with play...time to be contemplative and bored...

moments of crazy exhaustion from too much play and too many late nights drinking may wine with friends...

and daily doses of ice cream.

Satiated, but really, hardly ready to go back to work and pre-school tomorrow.


  1. oh my! i adore them! can i ask how much they will be & maybe if i could reserve one? i really love the little fella on the left (w/ the polka dot blankie).

    my email-->
    donielle at turtlekisses dot com

  2. i love them too!!! i like the middle one a ton- i'm going to stalk your etsy shop for when you do post them :D
