Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dinosaurs in the House

Beeper and I put together some terrariums this weekend. He was in charge of gravel, spanish moss and dirt layering, and I was in charge of planting. Then Beeper put the finishing touches in place--the little plastic dinosaurs we picked up in the dollar section of Target.This was actually an idea I picked up from the Two Straight Lines blog (original post here).
Then I also did a bit more research on terrarium construction and found this link and this link most helpful in terms of terrarium 101 sort of instruction. Also, Martha Stewart has a little succulent terrarium overview here.
Beeper loves the terrariums---we even made a desert terrarium he will bring to his pre-school to share with his classroom.
I'm digging the results. The little dinos in there really do make me smile everytime I pass them. Welcome home, T-Rex.

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