Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nouveau Mangy Elephants

So, here are my new elephants I have been working on. My plan has been to sort of redesign my Mangy Menagerie plushies...just because I am ready to work on new designs and tired of the same old. I was ready for something with more dimension, a little more embellishment...I did the blue one first and proportions were all off--body too big relative to the size of the head (although it does make for a nice and mushy elephant that would be lovely for cuddling--check out that sweet jelly belly of his) I rescaled my design and above is the result. I think they are kind of jolie-laide.
They are made from thrifted and reclaimed felted wool sweaters, stuffed with eco-craft fiberfill (made from corn) and wool scraps, and embellished with button eyes and colorful felted wool polka dots stitched on in a swirly sorta pattern
I have several other new animal designs I am working out--a dog, a giraffe, a crocodile, and I think a pig for good measure. I will be selling a couple of these at the No Coast Craft O'Rama Dec 5&6, and one of these will go into my Etsy shop when I do my update.
Still wanna see more? More photos of the elephants here.


  1. So so so cute!! Can't wait to see them in person!

  2. so sweet! I love the squishy blue one. Very nice work. :o)
