Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bitty Bebe Orphans

It is like an Russian orphange around here with all these Bitty Bebes napping, cooing, and crying to be held. And, of course, they want someone to play with them.And, really, is there anything cuter than a little bitty bebe you can hold in the palm of your hand? In my world, sometimes the smaller something is, the sweeter it becomes. These bebes also happen to come to with everything a bitty bebe needs to get by (all except for your love, of course)--its own little cashmere hat, a fleece blankie and an itty bitty wool felt plushie... ...a bib and a terry cloth diaper......a cozy button tufted mattress... ...AND a little bitty quilted box to put them to sleep in (or play peek-a-boo in). Sweet as all get out, loves to play, perfect for holding in the palm of your hand, deserving of your unconditional love, and ready to be adopted now.

You can find one for adoption in my Etsy shop right now--and the other four will be up for adoption at the No Coast Craft O'Rama this Friday and Saturday.

And, if you still have not had enough, you can view more photos of these bitty bebe orphans here.


  1. those little bebe's are so very sweet. what a nice job you have done!

  2. these are adororable! I'll be at No Coast as a vendor too :) Maybe I'll be able to see the little cuties in person. Best wishes at the show!
