Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Three Little Bears

Some more new Mangy Menagerie plushie designs...these are bear cubs. Nice little totem pole they've created there for themselves, eh? They are made from reclaimed wool sweaters that have been felted, stuffed with eco-craft--you know the drill.

This one loves PB&J. The lack of opposable thumbs is not working in his favor, however--good luck with that lid, buddy... This one is the runt of the litter and a little senstive about it too... And this one likes his Omega-3's. You know the type--ground flax seed and free range eggs feature big in his diet. None of them really likes porridge.And the spiel: two will be for sale at the No Coast Craft O'Rama, and one will go into my Etsy shop update over Thanksgiving weekend, blahblahblah.

Feel free to go back to whatever you were doing before. Maybe I'll have some photos of some new Two-Faced Friends and some Bitty Bebes to share if there is ever a break in the cloud cover again...Enough of this ever lurking threat of snow, this sneaky dusting your leaving on the roof in the morning--JUST SNOW AND GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY. Then maybe, just maybe, we can have a little sun--deal?


  1. Wow - I love these little bears!! So, so, so good - you just want to reach out and give them a big cuddle!

  2. They are SO CUTE! I don't think I'd be able to leave one alone if it were in the same room as me...
