Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baby on a Stick Goes Big Time on Etsy

Well, not really. But it makes a nice headline, eh? BUT, I do want to tell you that my baby on a stick rattle is one of Amanda Kingloff of Parents magazine's picks on Etsy for a thoughtful handmade baby gift. There he is on the left in the photo above--snapped earlier today by the papparazzi when he was having lunch at a secluded eatery with his rumored-to-be-girlfriend.

Amanda apparently edits all of the crafty content for the magazine and writes for Parents' Goodyblog, where she shares clever kid-friendly craft ideas from all over the blogosphere. So, go see all of her picks and read her write up on Etsy right here.

See ya--I have to go arrange for facial and body, I mean, stick wrap for the baby on a stick before his next press conference.

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