That's what we've been doing today--gingerbread men and gingerbread pre-fab homes, yet to be razed (we used this MS recipe
here--the honey makes a milder and more golden gingerbread). Holiday prep has been a little crunched all up at the last minute around here with a of flurry cookie baking, popcorn stringing, paper-chain making, tree trimming and gift shopping all happening in this final week before Christmas. Tomorrow we deck out the gingerbread houses and do some final baking before we depart Tuesday for my in-law's farm in central Illinois for a few days.

And this. Well, this I HAVE TO share. Just because it is so freakin' lovely--it is one of
Mimi Kirchner's Tiny World Pin Cushions. It was a birthday gift I bought for myself last week. It reminds me of Minnesota, and also of our long-held dream of moving away to the seclusion and beauty of the big woods one day. A dream in a teacup to keep me company while I sew. Happy birthday, me.
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