Friday, March 20, 2009

Cotton Tails

Maybe it is the sudden surge of warmer weather, sunshine, and mud puddles--but I have fallen in love with these sweet little bunnies--and bunnies in other forms are still lurking round the corners of my brain. And chicks. And ducks. Maybe I should just eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg or something and that will provide the antidote to all this spring time animal obsessing. Or maybe not.Whatever the case, I sewed up this little litter of Mr Cotton Tails this week. They are all made from recycled wool suiting, and their handmade little pompom tails perched atop their derriers are also made from recycled yarn. It had been ages since I had last made a pompom--like maybe last time I did it was when I was 10 and I made some for my ice skates (although I do recall making a slew of pompom animals around that time too)--but I quite enjoyed it. There really are too few ways to incorporate pompoms into your life...
So, this little litter of bunnies are all up for sale in my Etsy shop--if you care. Personally, I think they could not be more perfect stashed in someone's easter basket amongst some jelly beans, a chocolate rabbit or two, maybe some new crayons or play dough. To me, these are the classic little bunny that belongs in a child's basket... ...although my child did say he would like the Easter bunny to bring him a snake this year...I am still trying to figure out if I will make him one and accomodate that request or if it is just too creepy to put a plush snake in your son's easter basket...


  1. Too cute! I found your bunnies via the flickr etsy plushies group and I was in love at first sight! Love your work!

  2. These are so sweet - I had a similar bunny when I was younger and yours remind me so much of it. I just wish I'd discovered them while they were still available for sale, do you make them on a regular basis?
