Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monster Ninnis for the Bushfire Appeal

Just completed my pair of Monster Ninnis (made from Revoluzzza's lovely and FREE pattern found here) that I am sending off as part of the Australian Bushfire Appeal hosted by the Toy Society. I think I will include a little tag with each, just a little something informational about how these monsters are special--they not only LOVE little kids, but they also keep you SAFE, and can put out a fire by simply SMILING at it with their one-toothed grin.
So, no official Toy Society drop for March since these will be packed up and shipped off, but I have some BIG plans, baby, for my April drop--an all new plushie design from mmmcrafts...
y'all come back now, ya hear?

1 comment:

  1. they are such generous creatures, keeping children safe and fighting fires. Just
