Monday, March 30, 2009

Reading is Cool--and so is Studio Mela

You may recognize this from the booty I brought back from the No Coast Craft O'Rama some time back--I just never got around to framing and hanging it until this weekend......and now it is on the wall in our little TV room upstairs, looking perfect above Beeper's ever swelling collection of books he keeps stacked on the radiator in there. It is by Studio Mela--whose work I love. Her paintings are so simple and modern and sweet and happyhappy all knotted into one lovely print. Here are some of my personal favorites...I Love Your Egg BeatersMy Little MonstersMake Believe (because I so love Little People). And if I have it my way, I would buy them all, but the only problem is that I am short on wall space...but if I think long and hard enough I may be able to come up with a place to hang just another couple pieces of her work in my house (I already have the So Very Happy print above in my workshop). And, just a little mention that one of my Mr Cottontails was included in an Etsy Finds write up today on the Storque--you can see that right here. Happily, the little chocolate brown bunny sold almost immediately so he is off to a good home before Easter is upon us...

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