Not to bore you senseless, but I made some more cloth napkins. These were constructed in the simplest way possible--just turned the edge twice on 10 different fat quarters and sewed them in place. Given
my goal of making 40+ napkins by end of summer, I felt compelled to make some quick progress.

All the fabrics are from the Katie Jump Rope fabric collection by Denyse Schmidt--you can find them
here at
Sew Mama Sew. This makes 18 napkins in total DONE. So, you (
lucky you, I might add) get to look forward to several more posts on whatever new cloth napkin attempt I am making...thrilled, I'm sure.
I have Katie Jump Rope napkins, too! That fabric really wanted to be napkins, at my house at least.
I just got a sewing machine for Christmas and I LOVE it!! I also just got engaged and I really want to make cloth napkins like these in various floral prints for the reception. Could you let me know exactly you make them. I'm new to sewing but I have this huge dream!! Thanks so much and love you blog!
Thanks for posting directions on how to make cloth napkins. My mother in-law recently gave me material and I decided to use it for cloth napkins since we need more and I didn't want to purchase them. I'm excited about my project and looking forward to getting started.
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