Recently we had a little camping trip on the north shore of Lake Superior. And while it is an amazing body of water, what we really spent most of the time admiring and fawning over were rocks. Yes, that's right-- rocks. We literally spent whole afternoons looking at rocks, climbing rocks, sorting rocks and playing with them. I know--it sounds like an exceedingly boring time, but I guess we are easily amused or something. (we brought a sackful of these flat gray stones back to make a set of story telling stones ala Red Bird Crafts)(Beeper digging the water and stones)(perusing the stones in the lake)(a mysterious stone fireplace high atop Dayhill, overlooking Lake Superior--no one knows exactly who built the fireplace--those stones compell you to do strange things)(yes, strange things like this. Our own little neo-lithic rock village we all constructed as family--until Beeperzilla came through and threw them all into the Lake)(egg stones--is this where the pebbles hatch from?)(this is what Beeper did while we sat fireside and drank wine in the early evening--climbed the hill of rock behind our camp site--over and over and over again--all while maintaing some sort of dialogue with himself about rescuing innocent people from the Joker and Venom or something)(an assortment of rocks collected from the shallows of the lake) (as close to "beach" as Lake Superior's shore seams to get)(seeking a spectrum of colors)(Beeper wading in the exhilaratingly cold water of Lake Superior--no doubt, looking for more stones)
oooh. i love rock hunting, i have collections from every place i visit. rocks all over my house. significantly insignificant river rock mostly and when my friends travel to far off places i ask them to bring me back some. i have rocks from kuait and germany.
really love me some rocks. can't wait to visit the great lakes and see how beautiful those rocks are in person.
thank you for admiring the stones with me. I still have a few little projects planned for the rock collection we brought back with us...but no telling when that will materialize since it seems to take me about 2 months to get around to anything these days--but now that the lilies have stopped blooming maybe I can get some more crafting done....
All of my work (photos, designs, patterns, blog content, etc.) represented here, and elsewhere, is protected by copyright. Please feel free to link to posts on my blogs. Please DO NOT direct link to any of my PDF downloads--instead link to the post at my blog that contains the download. Please do use my patterns, pdf downloads, recipes, etc. for personal (for you or for gifts), but not commercial use. If you are not certain about something, just email me and ask--I respond to emails. And hey, have a swell day.
esome post!! we heart rocks over here too.
oops should have read awesome post.....
Oh, to get my hands on those stones...there's something so beautiful and calming about them! Lovely post...
Sounds like a great experience in good old Split Rock. Don't you love how time slows down and you get really busy doing nothing??
oooh. i love rock hunting, i have collections from every place i visit. rocks all over my house. significantly insignificant river rock mostly and when my friends travel to far off places i ask them to bring me back some. i have rocks from kuait and germany.
really love me some rocks. can't wait to visit the great lakes and see how beautiful those rocks are in person.
thank you for admiring the stones with me. I still have a few little projects planned for the rock collection we brought back with us...but no telling when that will materialize since it seems to take me about 2 months to get around to anything these days--but now that the lilies have stopped blooming maybe I can get some more crafting done....
your cairns made my heart flutter a little bit.
thanks for the link. i'd love to see what you come up with!
I love your stone-circle!!!
I came here via The toy Society. I really like your blog.
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