Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August Toy Society Drop

Here's my August Toy Society drop. I think he looks a bit like Huntley--the nosey daschund from Curious George. The pattern is Elsie the Little Dog by Kate Henderson of Two Little Banshees. It can be found in the super duper plushie pattern book More Softies that has loads of other adorable plushie patterns by plushie designer superstars like Myra Masuda (My Little Mochi) and Abby Glassenberg (While She Naps). Also, it was a total cinch to make--took me like an hour and a half or something. I did add the big black bulbous felt nose--he just seemed to need it--so he could be as nosey as Huntley. And you probably don't realize it, but we are in hiding right now--doing our very best to seize the remaining days of summer around here--at a cabin in the far reaches of northern Minnesota. So, this toy was dropped on little Ludlow's Island on the beautiful Lake Vermillion. And as always, you can see all my other Toy Society drops here--all part of my year-long Toy Society commitment. Don't already know what the Toy Society is? Well, you should go find about the Toy Society and its handmade plushie mission here.

Also, Bianca, Toy Society mission creator and curator of their blog, has dubbed me an official "friend of the Toy Society" and was so kind as a to put a little write-up on Beeper Bebe on the Toy Society blog--you can read that here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry! I deleted the last post as I left a bit out!

    I love your doggie! i've just done my first 'drop' over here in the uk.
    Its great for the kids to do something like this.
    I blogged about it too but forgot to get my link onto the Toy Society site!
    Really like your blog too - will be stopping in again.

  3. Thank you so much. The Toy Society is awesome. While my little one is still a bit too little to help make anything directly, he does love to help with dropping the toys anc choosing a place to leave them.

  4. Hi there! I love your softie and would just like to know what sort of material you used for him.

    I'd like to make one of my own and really love the material you've chosen!

  5. Hey thanks, Holly. I used a brown wool suiting for his body (mine was reclaimed--I found some unused yardage at my thrift store--although you could also cut apart a second-hand suit coat to get this sort of fabric). And on his belly and the underside of his ear, I used Traffic Jam by Alexander Henry--in the pale yellow color. His nose black wool felt. And that is abut it.

    Good luck with your softie creation!
