And one of the loveliest things about both of these designs is that they are made with cashmere--and not just any old cashmere, but cashmere gleaned from reclaimed sweaters. What do I mean by reclaimed? Well, for me that generally means thrifted--or sometimes, old sweaters my lazy friends dump on me so they do not need to bother with the GoodWill donation. Also, what you should know about the hat is that it is reversible--and it will fit a 6-18 month old baby. And what you should know about the Beddy-Bye Beast is that I put a little packet of calming herbs inside of it (equal parts chamomile, lavendar, roses, and hops)--but that is optional really. And also, I have included the designs for all 5 beasts pictured above in the tutorial .

And one other thing? I started a Chez Beeper Bebe Flickr group where you can show off your own interpretation of one of my designs/projects--but mostly I started it because I am nosey and would love to see what any of my readers out there are doing with these tutorials and stuff. Humor me. Please. You can find the Flickr group here.
Thanks for the tutorial - so cute! :)
Wow! Thanks for the tutorial! Very nice sofie!
What a generous and super cute pattern share! Thank you!
All little ones would love these beast to cute!
Thank you so much for the tutorials.
I saw these sets in your shop update yesterday and thought they were gorgeous and here's a tutorial! Wow. Now I just need a baby to make them for. C'mon friends, produce some babies!
Ohhh! These are SO CUTE!! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
That hat is too stinking cute! I'm off to link to your blog! hmmm...any other tutorials up your sleeve? I'm running a contest. :)
What a super cute pattern! Thank for sharing!
Can I link your tut on my blog?
Thanks :)
Eleonora, an Italian girl in Sweden
Eleonora--Please-of course, you can link to my tutorial. I am always happy to have my tutorials linked to and shared on other blogs. The one thing I would ask is that you please do link to the URL on my blog, as opposed to direct linking to the tutorial document that can be downloaded.
Thanks so much for asking though.
I love this!! I think I know what my friends will all be getting for Christmas... (though I'll have to re-size the pattern, they've got bigger heads hehe) Thank you!
That is one great tutorial! Thanks a lot! I've just made two monkeys for mine and my best friend's babies (we are both pregnant)! Can't believe nobody posted photos of finished toys in your Flickr pool - I just did! :)
I screwed up a little bit with ears placement, and because I used an old scarf for bodies, the monkeys turned out a bit too wide (the fabric was stretching only in one direction) - but I think they still look cute! Next time I will use fleece fabric or felted sweaters :)
Very cute hat! I love the look of the ears and the shape of the hat! I wanted to see if I could get the same look in crochet and created a crochet pattern based on the shape of your sewn pattern. I hope this is okay with you.
Minky fabric AKA bubble velour fabric would be perfect! I am off to go make mine with Minky as the backing of the beast and cotton print as the front.I am making the chicken. I will be making a little addition to where the back will have a slightly noticeable secret pocket. perfect for storing a little something! thank you for your generosity. I will upload a Photo of the finished item on your flicker pool sometime.
Just posted my beasts on my blog http://richandchristen.blogspot.com Thank you so much!!!
I made these for my kids for christmas and they love them! Thanks!
I love how you made the faces!! So simple but clever technique! Soooo cute! Thank you for sharing! I featured this on my blog: http://www.plushiepatterns.com/beddy-bye-beast-plushie-by-chez-beeper-bebe/
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