Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Chicken in Every Pot...Or Just Two

Seems there are many people who like to have a chicken of their own in their pot...the Bitty Birdies have been in high demand this season but low supply due to the elves in my Beeper Bebe sweatshop going on strike over demands for holiday pay increases, as well as affordable healthcare. Whatever.  

There are, however, two lone Bitty Birdies that are making their way to completion as we speak with all their usual accoutrement--and I hope to maybe have them in my shop come Friday--probably late afternoon or evening with the way things are looking around here.  I tell you this because I know that some of you are keenly interested in acquiring one of these birds yet...and for those of you who have emailed me already about them, I will send you an email and let you know as soon as they are posted to my shop.  

I know there are more of you that want one than there are of the Birdies, and I do wish I could deliver one to each and every one of you but I do really, really need to get around to completing holiday gifts for all the other good little girls and boys on my list (Rome can be built in one week, I tell you).  But please, in your rush for the Birdies, I implore you not to break out in violence in the Beeper Bebe Etsy shop aisles.  There will be more Bitty Birdies...I am not sure when, I admit, but there will be more.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Oh my gosh, those are sooooo cute!