I have a very dear friend who after a long, hard road to getting pregnant (and staying pregnant), is finally there. I have been so ridiculously excited for her that I have been making loads of stuff for her baby--some stuff that I have made before, some entirely new designs, and one or two things designed by others. Of course, the way I work is that if I am bothering to make one, I might as well make three (or eight). So, some all new baby stuff has landed in my shop--and there is more to come in the next few days.
One of my favorites that I have just put into my shop is that uber-soft organic cotton fleece duckie in the cream color. I ADORE this material and if I had to go into a cocoon at any point, it would be made of this. There will be more items made from this because it is just so frickin lovely that all babies should be born into a world where at least one item they are handed is something made from this material. Seriously. And its eco-friendly.
And some more bibs. I was using Amy Karol's bib pattern--but then decided to make my own design that was a little more modern and curvier and wider through the body so as to provide more coverage to little baby buddah-bellies. And did I mention those are environmentally friendly too?--Yeah, they are since they are made with recycled towels.
So, considering all the baby-gear-creation going on around here, the big picture plan is to put together a little booklet with several Beeper Bebe for Babies patterns in it that will be for sale, at some point, in my shop. And yes, one tutorial will be offered for download here too, so don't change that dial.
What alovely gifts you have made...I love your duckies...
Your duckies are so wonderful!!!
My daughter thinks your ducks are soooooo cute. She keeps saying, 'they're so cute mum.'
Love it all. You are incredible!
So cute! I love making bitty things for bitty babies.
Looking forward to it - you've made some wonderful creations! :)
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