Once again, it is your lucky day. I just so happen to have an extra little blue plaid Mr Cotton Tail waiting to find a home with one of you. He is made from a vintage wool Pendleton shirt that used to belong to Mr Beeper (before the aforementioned washed it in too warm of water and the arms were suddenly two inches too short), and has a lovely little pouf of a tail made from reclaimed yarn picked up at my favorite local thrift store.
If you are interested, please leave a comment sharing with me what your favorite crafting technique is (sewing? crocheting? decoupage? paper quilling?...you get the idea) and which technique you wish you knew how to do better (or at all). You should leave your comment by the end of the day on Friday, April 2, and I will announce the winner on Saturday, April 3.
Oh, and please leave your email address with your comment. I have not asked you to do this in the past, but I actually have an as of yet unclaimed giveaway from a previous lucky-day-give-away (Margie Oomen? I am talking to you...if you are reading this, please do contact me because there is a little bunny with your name on it just waiting for you...if I do not hear from you by this weekend, your bunny is destined for a Toy Society drop next month, I am afraid), and would prefer to know what I am giving away will actually make its way to someone rather than languishing on my windowsill...
So, bon chance, mes cheries and I eagerly await your comments.
Love the bunny! I think I get the most intense satisfaction out of embroidery and hand-sewing, although that would be hand-sewing toys and the like, not clothes! There is something so soothing about leaving a trail of coloured thread behind you as you go. The thing I most wish I could do is knitting. It's like some mysterious club and I want to join! I will join someday, I just need the time and a good teacher in close proximity. jacqui(dot)craig(at)gmail(dot)com
Mr Cotton Tail is super cute!!!! I'm addicted to sewing at the moment. I have done a lot of different crafts over the years but nothing beats sewing for me at the moment. I would love to be improve my softie making skills (am working on it slowly...)
Thanks for the giveaway smije04(at)gmail(dot)com
My favorite crafting technique is a tie between hand embroidery and knitting because both can be done in front of the tv after dinner with my husband, are portable within reason and are good for my sometimes-long and sometimes-extremely short attention span. I go in spurts with both though.
I wish that my machine sewing was better, but I am really intrigued by the more obscure crafts like bobbin lace, hand piecing quilts (any hand sewing that actually assembles things, really), paper quilling, that cool Ukranian wax-resist egg painting... I love crafts of all sorts and wish I knew how to do them all.
katy.kelsey AT gmail DOT com
I adore this little bunny.
My favored craft is at this moment is just about everything I do with my kids.
we work with a lot of paper, doughs and color.
not to forget that I am a midnight crocheter. you know it`s in the middle of the night. everybody is sleeping and it`´s just you the crochet needle and a Jane Austen Movie.
What a cute bunny! I am not very crafty at the moment, but have started to get into sewing. I'm just doing the basics and I would love to improve my skills and be able to be a little more creative. (I tried to make a cute hat using an idea from a blog, but it turns out I need some practice sewing with knits.) For now, I'm sticking with patterns and woven fabrics.
Nice! I like sewing and I also want te learn a lot more of sewing.
He is SOOO adorable! I love the pairing of classic sweater fabric and vintage cotton print. I'm sure he will be loved in his new home!
so lovely !! my favourite hobby is definitely sewing, altough i love all paper crafts too...and i wish i knew how to crochet...
ah ! and if you don't mind : in french you should say "bonne chance" ;) (for me, i wish i could speak english more often to improve...)
It's adorable!! My favourite crafts are patchwork and crochet, and I would like to improve in them and in embroidery. Thanks for this giveaway!!
What a cute Mr Cotton Tail.
I love to craft, mostly sewing and stitching, but also with paper, felt etc etc.. I just started learned crochet again, it was to many years ago. And I would love to learn it good, you can make so many lovely thing with it..
I love to win Mr. Cotton Tail.
How CUTE!!! In the past I would have said cross stitch, but of late I can't get enough sewing in.
sew cute! I love sewing, and would like to knit better. rosepetalqt)at)yahoo(dot)com
I love sewing. Especially blankets/quilts.
I wish I could knit better, well read a knitting pattern better, and know what the abbreviations mean, so I don't need to Google mid project.
hannigangirl @ yahoo . ca
I wish I could say I was good at any of it! I like to live vicariously through other's crafting abilities :) I am good at cross stitching, though. I love your bunnies and have linked to them on my blog at http://www.itsaboyslife.net/2010/03/easter-rabbits.html. They are sooo cute!
So cute! I like sewing, among many other things, and I want te learn more of patchwork.
I like to cross stitch and embroidery but don't do a lot of it anymore. It was a way of relaxing when I had little children. I would like to learn to crochet. I have done a little of it but not enough to know how to get started again.
I envy your sewing talent. The bunny is very cute!
What a little cutie! Currently I'm really into sewing, but I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head from day to day that my interests change pretty quickly! I do wish I was better at knitting - it's just one of those things that doesn't quite click. My husband has bought me books to try and help but I still haven't gotten past knitting rectangles...
KNitting and crocheting are my favorite and I wish I could quilt better. I can never do the quilting or binding correctly.
My favorite and most-employed technique is applique, and I am truly sorry I haven't already mastered quilting. A little fear is preventing me from diving in!
Love the bunny- so cute! Right now I am really into sewing but also love drawing/painting. Still trying to learn to crochet and would love to try knitting someday too. Thanks for the giveaway!
Cute rabbit!
I LOVE quilting but I keep looking at paper crafts (I even bought a quilling kit).
Oh what a cute bunny!
Hmm, I think my favorite craft is machine sewing, it's quick and satisfying. Though furniture building is coming in a close second right now. If I had more room in my house for more furniture and a dedicated workshop it could easily outpace the sewing.
I wish I could knit or crochet. I've never been able to manage much more than the very basics of either. I can knit rectangles and I can crochet chains, anything beyond that leaves me frustrated.
Love it!
Favorite: sewing, especially since I learned how to make my sewing machine sew straight stitches. (Can you believe I sewed zig zag on all my projects for almost 3 years?!)
Want to learn: knitting, I have "tried" a number of times but never really got a hang of it.
I would have to say my favorite craft is tied.......I cannot choose between sewing and decoupage! I really adore both!
I would like to better myself in the area of sewing. I pretty much wing everything I know now, as patterns scare me! haha
Thank you for the awesome giveaway! The bunny is adorable!!!!
I am a knitter and a sewer. I have just started getting into making hand-sewn toys!
What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!
I am fairly skilled at knitting and handspinning, competent with crochet (as long as I have a reference book handy), and long to become better at sewing. I recently read the little Threads blurb from Kenneth King about getting over perfectionism and that ruination of an acre or 2 of fabric was the price one had to pay to become competent at sewing. So I am trying to take that to heart and getting over my fear of making an endless stream of wadders.
I love to sew! I wish I knew how to knit. I tried to learn but..without much luck so far.
Ooh so cute. I like to machine and hand sew, make quilts, embroidery, knitting, learning crochet. I love vintage materials to work with, and re-purposing things. I want to make softies better, but can't seem to get into it. I think the stuffing part is what I don't enjoy. I enjoy your site and your handiwork.
I am a die hard crocheter but have so many ideas for other types of crafts that I wish I had the time to master the skills for all of them. High on my list of need to learn skills include: Embroidery, Knitting, and better machine sewing skills. Thanks for the opportunity to win such an adorable bunny! hlvognetz@yahoo.com
What a cute bunny! I love any craft that reuses or upcycles fabrics, notions, etc. I'd love to learn how to felt!
abstoner at comcast dot net
ah, he's so sweet!
i have recently discovered that my greatest crafting love is hand-sewing. especially, smallish projects that i can see completed in a couple of days. it's very soothing and satisfying. and the thing i wish i were better at is piecing quilts. i come from a line of amazing quilters so it's got to be in my blood, right? i have made and tied a few plain block square quilts...but i don't think those count. i want to do something with a more intricate design and i want to hand quilt it. i just never feel patient enough to even start what i know will be a long process.
What a wonderful little bunny!
At the moment, I love creating cards with stamps and fun papers. I adore just about every kind of craft out there, but I need to work some more at it. I'd love to improve my sewing skills and I've been trying to find the time to carve some of my own stamps!
Thanks for the chance to win!
p.s. I adore your lovely blog and creations! You never cease to inspire.
cute bunny, perfect for easter! My favorite craft is anything to do with paper. I make my own cards and any other embelishment I can with paper. Any party I do is accented with cute paper projects. I am working on quilting but have a long way to go with that! megwal80@hotmail.com
I am a knitter but since the pirate has joined the family I've had less and less time for it. I'm hoping to increase my sewing and embroidery skills and I am on a mission to get my craft room usable again!
Love the bunny, looks dashing in plaid! My favorite technique is by far sewing, on a machine whenever possible. I'd like to learn more about embroidery and am also interested in crochet and knitting. Thanks for the give away!
The bunny is super-cute! I love hand embroidery and am working on an art embroidery. I also like making baby clothes for my soon to arrive baby. I find this blog very inspiring.
Oh this bunny is super cute! (way cuter then the bunny I tried to make for my baby for easter!) I Love to sew and I am trying to learn how to crochet and embroider, wish I knew how to knit. I love all crafts!
What an adorable bunny!
I think my favourite form of crafting would have to be sewing, but I'm best at crocheting and knitting. (Yarn, You are my friend!) I wish I could get better at embroidering, It seems so difficult, though. Someday soon I'll figure it out (:
Sewing is hands-down my favorite crafting activity, but someday I will FINALLY learn to knit. I've tried to learn a few times now and it's never stuck. Ugh! sorainima@gmail.com
Oh that bunny is so cute! These days sewing is my craft of choice. My skills are improving but I have a long way to go. I'd really like to get better not being intimidated by patterns. Email me at jandayatl at yahoo dot com
Love the bunny. Right now I cannot get enough of my serger. I guess that means sewing is my craft of choice at the moment. I am hoping my good friend will teach me to crochet. I love all the cute little projects she makes.
That little guy is too cute -- I love his ears! At the moment, my favorite crafting pursuit is quilting. I would like to be more confident in my machine quilting skills, especially free-motion. I stick to straight lines because I haven't gotten the hang of my foot! There's a lot you can do with a straightline, and much of it looks quite modern....but every now and again I wish I could stipple with the best of them. *grin*
A very hard choice - i would have to say sewing but only if quilting is included.I would wont to know better pottery and carpentry.
I love sewing - I wish I was better with cardmaking or papercrafting stuff. I can't figure out what glue to use and not have it wrinkle or be sticky or burn me...soon, though!
emmanemhandmade (at) gmail (dot) com
The bunny is too cute!
Currently I'm stuck in a painting rut. Not really a rut because I enjoy it so much but I have paint coming outta my ears!
I really wish I was better with sewing. I'm "ok" but I really wish I could just whip up a quilt in a weekend like all these fabulous quilters do!
yawkar618 at yahoo dot com :)
thanks for the giveaway and have a great rest of the day!
Mr. Cotton Tail is one of the cutest little bunnies I've seen in blogland. About crafts - right now my favorites are crochet/knitting because it's easiest to pick up and do when there's just a little bit of time. I would love to do & learn more sewing.
I like crochet because it's so quick but I'd love to be a really good knitter - I just lack patience at the minute! I'd love to improve my sewing too and make gorgeous toys like Mr Cotton Tail for my kids. Maybe one day...
That bunny is A-dorable!!
I LOVE all things crafty but my favorite thing at the moment is sewing. I actually wish I was better at that. However, I would LOVE to know how to crochet. I want to make those lovely pillowcases with the crochet edges that I'm seeing all over blogland but I can't seem to get the crochet part right. :-(
I am primarily a knitter, but I (and my poor neglected sewing machine) wish I had better sewing skills.
And I adore the rabbit!
He is so cute, I want him!!!
Love your site. your on my favorites on my blog
Too many favourites and too many I want to improve/learn! I love to crochet, and I wish to learn how to knit - but I'm pretty much keen to craft in any way I can, using any materials!
p.s. I'm from New Zealand so I'm not even sure if this is open to me...
p.p.s. your blog is my latest and happiest discovery! Love it to pieces!
Sewing for me is the tops! If i win then please donate him to the toy drop! Really really Cute!
This is sooo cute! We are in the middle of moving, so I had to convince myself that I can't maked the bunny from my vintage animals book, or the egg laying chick and pig family on another blog (ikat).
This would be so adorable for my toddler. It will be well loved since I understand the trickyness of getting a stuffie to turn out looking ike you want it to! So glad you are on my blogroll.
I am not much of a crafter, to be honest, but I'd like to learn how to make collages.
annie dot lanning at gmail dot com
I wish I was a talented sewer. I do sew, quilts and aprons, but mine seem to take forever compared to many I read about on various blogs. I also love to embroidery. I would love to learn to do tatting. Not sure I have the eyesight anymore for that, but oh to make some lace... that would be divine.
Such a charming bunny! I would love that for my little 11 month old bunny. I am obsessed with knitting. I would really like to improve on my steeking. What's steeking you ask? It is sewing lines (or crocheting) to secure your knitting and then... cutting it!!!! I have done it a few times but I'm still no pro. And really, wouldn't you want to be a pro when taking scissors to your hand knits?
Cute bunny! I love to sew clothes and little projects for my kiddos. I would like to learn how to knit at some point.
my craft is knitting. I still classify myself as advance beginner, but I guess if I really look at it, I'm at least an intermediate... But I feel like I still have so much to learn!
I wish I know sewing better, or soap/lotion/lip balm making better. I started learning to sew since last summer, anticipating embellishing the onsies for my little one... well since then, I've sewn bibs, pants, diapers, crib sheets and more... including your alphabet set!!! it is addicting! :)
jennsquared AT gmail DOT com
Ohhhh, he's cute!! My favorite form of expression is sewing! I wish I knew more about drawing. My grandfather was a very talented artist, and I wish I were more talented.
Hi, dearest:
My hobbies? Currently- sewing clothes. But my other hobbies include: styling my clothes; knitting; soap making; canning & freezing food; bread baking; cleaning organically; finding cheap work arounds and drinking wine. I do not know how to make toys- that's why I need that bunny since you are so excellent at it!! love MamaLucy
That is so cute!
My craft is sewing, I wish I were better, I wish I had the patience and time to quilt.
i am such a sucker for plaid! he's so cute.
i definitely am a knitter who wishes to be better at sewing. getting better the more i give it a go, though i wish i had someone to do the pressing for me.
very cute bunny! i have enjoyed hand sewing little things lately...i would love to know how to use the sewing machine and really sew and hope to get the hang of it soon.
SUPER cute little guy! Love the contrast with the ear fabric.
My favorite craft these days is sewing, although I'm pretty new to the game!
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Mr. Beeper should shrink more of his shirts. That bunny is adorable.
My favorite crafting technique is sewing (even though I am still a beginner) and I would love to learn to knit.
jibssa at gmail dot com
right now it's sewing, but crochet will call me back soon enough and I will always want to knit, but feel like it's beyond my brain's reach
Bunny is so cute! I'm into sewing right now, but I wish I could knit. I've tried once or twice but it doesn't seem to stick...
Paisley_79 at yahoo dot com
Gosh...i wonder if you post internationally?? At the moment, I love to knit - would like to be better at knitting in the round and also crochet :) (P.S. I lurve your blog! And that rabbit is the cutest :D)
Oops!! email is: kgirl81(at)westnet(dot)com(dot)au
I love Knitting and wish I could Knit better! I'm learning slowly but surely =)
I Lo-Hove mr. cottontail =)!!!
That bunny wants to be with me. I can feel it! Hi, bunny. (waving) If I had to choose, I'd say sewing is my strength and the one I do most often. So much you can do with that one. And definitely crochet and knitting are the two that I'd most love to master.
So far I can sew, knit, crochet, and embroider with confidence. I'd really like to get better at designing my own stuff though. I hate having to rely on patterns.
That being said. This bunny is so cute! Do you have a pattern for sale so we can make our own????
Hand sewing brings me such satisfaction, perhaps because my sewing machine is slightly broken and such a pain in my a** right now.
I'd love to play with fabric paints/printing on fabric more.
I love this bunny!
I'm very much into crocheting blankets and making plushies lately. I love the results, adorable and soft :)
Hugs from Spain
Wonderful bunny! The plaid really makes it. I'm addicted to knitting now, making lots of things for my grandchildren. I used to do a lot of sewing and I'd like to get back to that. There are 2 things I'd like to learn -- quilting and crocheting. mjminn1 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love these little bunnies! My favorite traditional form of crafting is quilting. Quilting is what really got me "crafting" as an adult. It helped my confidence in sewing grow! At the same time, I wish I was better at sewing. All of those things like making new slipcovers for our sofa, etc.
My favorite crafting is sewing - but machine sewing - I am horrible at hand sewing - though lately I am really loving doing a blanket stitch.
I wish I knew how to do embroidery better - how to add embroidered touches without having to make a whole piece that's embroidered.
My email is kappy6@yahoo.com
I like sewing and knitting. I'm really not very good at either, but I enjoy making things...especially for my boys. And I'll get better if I keep working at it!
LOVE the bunny!! This would be a perfect gift for my brother and his wife who are about to have a baby boy!
I mostly craft with paper, but am getting into sewing and trying to teach myself crochet. I have always loved looking at embroidery too, so I hope to master that one day as well!
Wonderful bunny! And I know the perfect little girl to send it to...
I love to sew all things--crafty to clothes. Not much clothing for myself, but usually for small children of my friends. (mine are big now and don't like those things)
Would love to know how to crochet. My mother makes the prettiest crochet afghans, but she lives 13 hours away and can't teach me :(
Oh my, so, SO CUTE! I just finished piecing together my first quilt using my daughter's baby clothes:
and now that I've finished that part I'm totally hooked, pouring over quilting patterns, planning my next project! I still need to learn how to do the actual quilting and binding to finish it!
Love your blog! Thank you for a fun giveaway. I'm also planning to make the mooshy belly bunny for my baby's Easter basket - so CUTE! Thanks for the encouragement!
I am not selling this bunny pattern, at least not at this time. Maybe some day...but I do still have another set of patterns coming this month...keep an eye out.
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