Come have a look at what is inside this little book...

I've been wanting to make some sort of little creative felt book for a while now, and then last week, in the middle of a completely unrelated meeting at my day job with some boring white guys in suits, I just started having all these ideas for new tutorials I could create around Easter and spring related themes. Not sure where the inspiration was in that scenario, but I came out of that meeting with a whole list of ideas scribbled in the margins of my notebook. So, this is the first in a couple more to come...

I had something sort of traditional in mind at first for this little egg design book, but then just found I loved making the kooky monster and character faces more than anything else...so the shapes I started cutting out from felt became more and more conducive to facial features rather than stripey and dotted eggs.

Whatever the case, I love the portability of this book and its open-ended creative potential using just basic felt shapes in a variety of colors. While I admit, it has taken me all week to really work out the end result you see here, the book really should come together quite easily. (don't let the 9 pages of instructions scare you--almost half are rectangular templates).

Here is the tutorial for you...
Please take photos of any new and interesting egg designs you or your kiddos come up with and share them in my Beeper Bebe Project Flickr group--I would so love to see them. Just because I know you will come up with some good ones, and I want to share in the fun.
Happy felt book making.
(oh--and did I mention I will be putting the books you see here up in my Etsy shop? Well, I will, sometime later this weekend--and I have a couple extra I am making...so if you are too lazy to make your own, you can just buy your own--I got no judgments about that.)
What a great idea!
(Jolie@tropicalsoup,typepad.com...openid is no longer my friend, apparently!)
You are so amazingly clever. I LOVE this. The beatnik is the best. :)
Wow!! Thank you!! What a great idea!!!! It's wonderful!!
that is hundreds of kinds of awesome. Thank you for being so generous with your amazing designs.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave.com in the Handcraft category today [20 Mar 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Great Idea! I'll have to keep this in mind for when my little one gets a bit older.
alwaise amazing projects!!!
wow, how clever! great job!thank you for sharing this, it is really great!!!
wow,how clever! Thank you for sharing this!!! i love it!
What a great idea, thank you so much for sharing it so generously with us
So much fun....I wish I had had a mom like you :)
this is making my head hurt. i'm just about to pass out...
anyone got some smelling salts for Veronica? Really, when I make these tutorials, my intent is never to hurt anyone. Everyone, please be careful--I just want everyone to enjoy the crafts without getting hurt--okay?
how much are you selling them for? when are you adding? I love this.
SO adorable!!
How cute is that?!?!? I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
Great work! I like the idea a lot and it is lovely too.
omg this is amazing I am going to make this for easter this week! what an amazing cute gift!
Amazing! Really cute. What an inspiration. Thanks for sharing! x
I saw you on Craft Gossip!
This is so cute!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Oh I love the felt face book! What a fun idea. I love it so much that I had to share it on my blog!! I'm going to have to make one or my son is a few years when he's older.
That is adorable! I love it!
I love this! (despite knowing all those little pieces would probably get lost in one day, I really want to make one!) -- another Holly
I love this, it is sooooo cute, I can not wait to make one for my son! Thank you so much for sharing
Great!! And the felt is sticky enough to stay on place?
Made by KK: Yes, the felt "sticks" to the egg--or the pages. You can even hold it up right and the pieces will stay in place. Of course, they are not like stickers either-but it works just like any traditional felt board does.
These are fantastic!!
I love them!
These would make awesome gifts!
Simply adorable!! I've linked to your tutorial on my blog under 'Felt for Spring & Easter' :)
Oh wow. This is fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing, I'll be linking to this.
What a cute project, I'd make it in a heart beat if I had kids...
This is so friggin' cute! I love it.
:)Kristena of www.thimblythings.com
I'm totally making this. Thanks so much for the wonderful tutorial.
What a GREAT idea!
Can't wait to try these. I love all your tutorials. I linked to you. inaquietafternoon.blogspot.com
This is an awesome tutorial. Thank you so much for all the ideas you share with us. I was wondering do you just use regular craft felt, or wool felt for the eggs and shapes? THanks again!
I should have noted this but I use 100% wool felt or a wool/rayon blend. I am uncertain about how well regular synthetic felt would work with the fusible webbing...does anyone else know? Also, I think craft felt would probably not work well with paper punches--I would imagine it would not cut cleanly...
your projects are always fun!
Awesome, awesome and adorable! So much opportunity in this for tailoring it to the individual interests of your child. Thank you!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Thank you!
Inspiring work! Thanks for sharing this- it's gorgeous. Although I think I'd be tempted to keep it for myself to play with, rather than giving it to my son...
love this idea. thank you for sharing!
What a fantastic idea - I've seen this featured on 'The Felted Rainbow' http://thefeltedrainbow.wordpress.com/
that's wonderful!!
thank you so much for this tutorial!!!!
these are AWESOME! what a great idea! lisa
Thank you for the awesome tutorial! I just posted on my blog about the 2 books I made with your instructions.
I will post photos in your flickr group too. Thanks again!!
That is so clever. I love it!!! Thanks for sharing the tutorial and pattern.
this is awesome!! i'm going to have to make one for my little boy!
We love this idea. We are featuring it in our DIY Literacy Projects over at http://www.onthelap.org. Stop by and snag our "Featured" button and help spread the word. Thanks for sharing.
hola..muy lindo tu blog...me gusto y me llamo mucho la atenciĆ³n..la verdad que muy interesante!! me gustaria que te pases por mi pagina web y que comentes en el libro de visitas que te parece o que le podria agregar...
espero tu mjito!!beso y exitos!
So Cute and Creative - thank you so much for sharing!
This is absolutely amazing! What a fabulous idea! I would LOVE for you to share this at my For the Kids Friday Link Party. Please, stop on by!
I'm sharing this on Facebook now...
What a fantastic idea and design. I have shared this on my website that features free felt patterns.
any advice on what kind of felt to use? can i just use the stuff in the little sheets at my local Hancock Fabric?? teamwylie (at) gmail (dot) com
Emily--I used all felt that was either 100% wool or a wool/rayon blend. I am not sure how well pure synthetic felt like the type sold in squares at Hancock would adhere to fusible webbing. You could always ask at Hancocks--and then please report back your results here. I think the poly felt would certainly work fine for the little pieces of felt you will cut out for application to the eggs. You will need larger pieces of felt to make the pages and inside of the cover though--those squares will not be large enough. I have found rolls of wool blend felt at Joann's Fabrics before you can buy by the yard, if you have one of those near you. Otherwise, I buy most of my wool felt from A Child's Dream Come True and order it at their on-line shop. You can find them here: http://www.achildsdream.com/wool_felt/index.htm
I love this project so much! I hope you don't mind, but I've featured it on my blog with links back to you:
I also love this project so much, it would make such a lovely gift instead of all that bad chocolate. I loved it so much I also featured you on my blog today as one of my favourite Easter Crafts. Feel free to check it out and thanks for sharing!
Bellissimi, colorati, freschi e simpatici
Oh my goodness, I've never wanted to subscribe to any ones blog before. And then I found your store on Etsy and I was like WHHAAAAT? LOL love all of your work. Wish I could feature them on my own website so my customers can have a taste of what its like to have such wonderful toys. Also, I want a matchbox monster for me. I'm 35. Is that alright? o.0
Anisa-- I have no judgements about wanting a matchbox monster as an adult...I mean, you should see my vintage Fisher Price Little People collection...but thank you for sharing your enthusiasm about my designs...
you should sell them.....
Thank you for your darling tutorial :)
Very cute! Thanks for sharing.
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