So here is the other thing I made for mother's day gifts--they are little aromatic birds. I made them from this pattern from Spool (lovelovelove their shape--so simple, so sweet, and so utterly bird-esque)-but I stuffed their bodies with dried lavender and rose buds. I guess so they can be sachets or air freshener type things or just something pretty to look at that also happens to smell nice.

I made the birds from some of these reproduction fabrics I bought a while back at a quilt show my mother-in-law took me to. I know--they are lovely. Seriously, I never tire of vintage fabrics or fabrics that just look vintage--they always make my my palms sweat when I see them. My only problem is that other than ReproDepot, I can never seem to find really good reproduction fabrics like these--anyone else have a go-to source for these?
Anyway, I am really pleased with how the birds turned out and am even more resolved to make the full-on bird mobile now for my workshop.
And on a tangental note, when you hand-make stuff for gifts a lot or all the time pretty much, do you think the people who are the recipients get tired of it--like, Oh god, here comes another handmade gift from Holly...smile pretty now and act like it is extra special. I mean, I do buy gifts every now and then because there are only so many hours in a day, and I do find things at stores attractive once in a while, but I really do make a lot of gifts these days. What is your take on this? What do you feel about receiving handmade gifts?
I like all of the handmade gifts I've seen on your blog. ; ) And in general, I'd say that handmade gifts are more meaningful and special, but perhaps I'm not a good judge because I give a lot of hand made gifts too.
Our Hancock Fabrics actually has a lot of vintage-y looking fabrics like those. I think they're called "Grandma's hankies" or something like that.
I question the handmade gift thing all the time, too--mainly because I'm usually the only one bringing any. I wonder if they're really thinking "I wish she would've just gone to Target and bought something..."
I think if it's a professional looking, quality handmade gift, there's nothing wrong with it. When it looks like a home ec project (like Tim Gunn saying "student work"), then not so much.
I love giving and receiving handmade gifts. You know a lot of love and thought has gone into the gift which makes it extra special.
Hope you had a Wonderful Mothers Day! Stop On Over I'm having a Virtual Baby Shower for my daughter Breezy, games and prizes, would love to see you there! Let's Get This Party Started!! Hugs, Diane
I second Christina, Cheryl & Jodie's comments.
As for vintage fabric, they have a nice selection of reproduction 1930's/feedsack at Purl Soho (they carry 6 "collections.") http://www.purlsoho.com/purl/products/fabriclist/style,15
I love the bird sachets and am feeling inspired... thanks for the inspiration!
I know that I appreciate the handmade gifts. I give them a lot and the feedback is generally excellent. I don't give them to people who I know won't appreciate them though. I might be just lucky in having appreciative friends.
I think it is important that they be professional - as in quality work, like Cheryl said.
I don't have a source for vintage other than our local opshops. Its usually because an old lady has died or gone into a nursing home. A sad way to get the fabric, but at least it is being used right?
I feel moved to comment - even though I've only just started reading your blog - simply because I've wondered the same thing for a while now. Are people tired of getting handmade from me? Originally, I wondered if they were tired of scrapbooking albums...so I switched to sewing, but even back before that I was doing other handmade type things. Maybe people ARE tired?
I personally, love it when I get something handmade, which is just not often enough. Hopefully that's how most people feel, right?
And your handmade stuff, beautiful. How could anyone not want it?!
I worry about that too, but I think its just me being insecure. We are generally our own harshest critics, so I don't think anything would get past us that someone else would think wasn't up to scratch. I love the time and effort that has gone into a handmade gift.
I honestly had never thouht of the handmade issue like that before. For me giving handmade is triplefold. I love making things, I think most of my recipients really love getting handmade, and I hope to stop the cycle and gift and toss. A guy I know particularly does this. Because he can ge himself anything he wants (and does) getting him something from the store is more like a token to show you remebered the occassion and rarely something be wants/needs. He cycles through things quickly too (replacing hardly worn with newer and better) so I feel like there is so much waste. With my handmade gifts not only is it something he can't buy, but I think he thinks twice about just tossing it because I made it. I think a lot of people buy something at the store when even a handmade card would be nicer. But maybe I'm just reflecting on what I myself would like to recieve.
In any case your birds are darling and someone would be crazy not to love them!
I wonder that too. I make a lot of baby gifts - bibs, burps, plushies, etc and I wonder if someone would prefer that I bought off of their Made in China registry. But I usually make something and spend the time making that item thinking about the recipient and hope that they love it as much as I loved making it for them.
And alternatively, I wish someone would take the time to make something for me rather than get another gift card or another "thing" that I don't really need. A little thought goes a long way with me. :)
I love giving and receiving handmade gifts. I think that if it is well made and the recipient can use it in everyday life, it shows that thought was put into their gift.
Very cute birdies!
I have had the same thought exactly: "Oh god, here comes another handmade gift from Holly..." because my name is Holly, too! I'm finding that as I make gifts for my son's friends, some of the KIDS are not especially thrilled but the parents are usually impressed. And I'm finding another issue: sometimes people will say something like "Oh what wonderful handmade thing has Holly made now?" but in sort of an exasperated tone like I'm trying to show everyone else up. So I have to then downplay it and say, "it was really easy" or "it didn't take long."
I love handmade presents.
To give and to receive.
And if they are not so professional, then I love them too, because of the love of the maker and the time taken to show they care and sometimes I even get emotional because of the effort put into the gift (no matter what the result is... ;-)
Thank you for the inspiration from the far Belgium X X X
But you make sure lovely handmade things - I too make some gifts and hopefully people like them, but who knows. Love the birds.
I used to question the hand-made gift thing before, but having gone back to visit friends who I hadn't seen for over 10 years and seeing my home-made gifts still all round the house I have accepted that my friends certainly do not tire of hand made, and really treasure the gifts because they know that time and love has gone into each item. Your gifts are lovely, so I would be very surprised if your friends did not really appreciate them.
I have had people ask me "What were you bored?" and other general rudeness that made me regret giving their child a gift to begin with. Which is sad cause it is not the child's fault! And I have also had the people who imply I am trying to show them up because I sew for my own kids. I don't care! It does cause me to think twice when gifting but I still go with handmade! I would kill to have someone make me something...
I LOVE getting handmade gifts. A major reason I learned how to sew is so I could start making friends and family things. I love when someone gives me something they made themselves, I feel so special.. they took the time to make something that they thought I would enjoy. It's such a lovely feeling.
I love the selection at this etsy seller:
Your gifts are awesome. Your recipients should be pleased as punch to get something so well made and imaginative!!!
I love everyone's thoughts on the subject of handmade gifts. I relate to some of the back-handed compliments or out-and-out rudeness one sometimes encounters when you have done something by hand...but after Beeper's birthday last year when I handmade a bunch of stuff and got a few unpleasant comments, well, I just decided I no longer give a rip what anyone thinks about me and everything I hand-make. I know making stuff by hand is not for everyone and that is fine but damn if I do not love to hand-make stuff so that's what I do and everyone else can just get over it. But the handmade gift thing does still give me pause...
I know what you mean about handmade gifts and I sometimes wonder the same thing myself - do people get fed up with them? Sometimes I give things that I absolutely love and then wait for the gushing phone call ... and it never comes and I just get 'oh, thanks for the present'. Which is disappointing. Perhaps people don't appreciate handmade stuff because so much shop stuff is mass-produced and cheap, so they don't understand the time and effort that is really involved. I don't know. But - you have to think of the pleasure it gives you to make the stuff too. Perhaps we should be a bit more selective about who we give them too - as Tab says.
I love giving and receiving handmade gifts. I like it when they aren't perfectly made because what's important is the love of the person who gives it.
Your projects and inspiring, and the fabrics you use are the cutest!
your gifts are so beautiful.. but i do also have a crisis of confidence about whether they are my bits are well received. more for my kids' friends, really. i think i would love to receive a homemade drawstring sack with a new book for my kids instead of something else that is plastic! i LOVE getting something homemade but it is not something which happens much here in the UK! keep up the homemade treasures.. they will be heirlooms of the future, i'm sure. i made some of those lovely birds a while ago. how cool that they actually balance on shelves, eh?
I struggle with it too. Plus, at my family gatherings we set a price limit for gifts... then I wonder do I have to spend that amount on the supplies or do I factor in my time sewing it, etc. I don't want to look cheap but I enjoy making handmade gifts.
I've wondered about this too and I always hate it when I misjudge and give a handmade gift to someone who isn't into it. Its almost worse then! But on the other hand, I think that handmade gifts are really the only unique things left to give anymore. You simply can't buy something special for someone anymore (unless you buy it from someone else who made it by hand) and so I'm going to keep doing it when I can.
I like the birds in those fabrics! The pattern is a nice one, I did several for Christmas, but never could get the beak to come out quite right. I kept ending up with Christmas vultures :)
I give handmade all the time and haven't encountered too much guff....as far as I'm concerned if I am helping my kids learn the value of simplicity and honest caring...than I don't truly care if someone is offended or not...I'm getting out of my project what I want, my children are learning some valuable lessons and the recipient is getting something far better than I can find in Walmart...as far as receiving handmade...I would take a small whip stitched pin cushion that was made with love over pretty much anything (except maybe fabric ;0) )
I totatlly love birds, I love the colors of your fabrics..
Thank you for sharing your ideas.♥
Love your blog!!!
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