The first Sunday of every May we host our annual May Day brunch and group trek to the crazy liberal May Day Parade that ends at Powder Horn Park, just down the way from us. Here are a few photos from our lovely day...

(big jar of Sangria)

(rainbow cupcakes made by Adrian)

(flower lollies--later handed out by the kiddies at the parade--more about how to make them here)

(colorful faces for the kiddies)

(lemon sticky buns--recipe here)

(laughter with the girls over prosecco around the table)

(smashed crispy potatoes--one of my favorite recipes for casual gatherings--recipe here)

(scenes from the parade put on by the amazing In the Heart of the Beast Puppet Theatre)

(kiddies up close with the parade animals)
i made those cupcakes for my daughters birthday and they looked soo cool but they wer no fun to make - lol
I have not made any for myself yet, but they do seem a little complicated. Luckily, my friend Adrian seems happy to take up these tasks upon request--not so bad for a guy who is a motorhead and engineer.
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