Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Further Adventures in Jam Making: Apricot

One year later, here I am, still making jam.  For those of you who may not be aware, I kind of went on a jam-making binge last summer--and undeterred by stifling heat and humidity, I have been back at it again.  I have already canned a year's supply of blubarb (my recipe here), and again have raspberry and raspberry jalapeno (those recipes here) on the docket--but then I also added apricot to the repetoire this year.  Do you think I have a jam-making problem?  Like, one that requires a licensed therapist?  Anyway...
...As you can see here, it all worked like a charm--apricots cooked down, jam jelled, tastes like summer in a jar.

So thought I would share the recipe with you too--just in case you were interested and suddenly realized that you too needed to go on a jam-making bender.  I am more than happy to be your jam enabler (or pusher, whatever works for you)--here's the recipe I used for my apricot:
And if you do make some apricot jam--here is my very strong recommendation--make yourself a loaf or two of irish brown bread (that recipe is right here too) and serve that up this weekend with your freshly concocted apricot jam and some lovely european butter.  Because these things are meant for each other--you can feel them holding hands and reading Shakespearean sonnets to one another as they glide over your tongue.  Apricot jam and irish brown bread are food soul mates, I tell you.  Try it--you'll see.  Like love in your tummy.


  1. this looks sooooo like summer! *melt*
    thx for sharing

    greetings from zurich

  2. If you are a jam addict, then I am worried about myself. I've already put up about 50 jars and I am just getting started. :)

  3. I am getting there! Last night it was blueberry jam. More of that today. I ran out of jelly jars.

  4. So many jam-makers! Who knew? Maybe we should start a joint support group for one another...has anyone made pepper jam before? I am considering going down that road too...

  5. Ooooohhhh, apricot jam is quite possibly my favorite jam ever, and I love making it! I've never thought of pairing it with Irish brown bread; I'll definitely try to do that one of these days when kitchen remodel is done.

  6. apricot jam sounds heavenly. your photos are great. the one with the metal funnel is my favorite.

  7. I don't know where you live now. If you are in the US & close to a Trader Joe's store you can get Kerry Gold Butter. It is imported from Ireland and yummy. Great on Irish Brown Bread. I fell in love with Irish Brown Bread on a trip to Ireland.

  8. I used to east Kerry Gold Butter when I loved in Ireland--and bought my brown bread at the little corner market down the street from my flat where it was brought in fresh daily. Some co-ops also sell Kerry Gold Butter, I believe. Such a treat! If only we had such great dairy products like they do in Ireland--I even drank whole milk on my cereal while I was there because it was just SO good....

  9. I'll be on a bender this weekend - the blackcurrants are falling off the bushes! Love the look of apricot though - I'm sure a couple of jars won't go to waste! Thanks for the recipe.

  10. Sounds so good! And I'm going to have to go download the blubarb recipe as well, since I've got both rhubarb and blueberries coming out my ears and needed to figure out what to do with it tomorrow. Guess it was meant to be that I read your post!

  11. 'Love in your tummy- - that phrase is fab!

  12. I am attempting jam for the first time this summer. I've made freezer jam but am going to try canning. Your jam looks amazing!!!

  13. That jam looks very yummy~~
    One good thing about the homemade jam, you can control the sugar intake~

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