Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nuno: Forest Edition

Just do yourself a favor already and go purchase the first ever edition of Nuno post haste.  Seriously, people.  I downloaded it over the weekend while I was away at a cabin with friends (photos coming soon) and was speechless at the beauty of the photos, the grace of the designs and the sheer number of projects contained within one single issue--try over 30 projects.  Gentlemen, start your crafting engines.  The magazine is 150 pages, all ad free, loaded with said lovely photography of each project, and templates and tutorials galore.  
You can purchase a copy here at Elizabeth Abernathy's blog, or for the skeptics amongst you, there is a 28-page preview of the magazine available for free download (find that at her blog too--in the sidebar)--but trust me, that one merely gives you a taste of the loveliness that lies within the full edition.  There is something for everyone in Nuno--clothing, knitting, nature-y crafts, puppets, book-making, and almost all the projects employ sustainable resources (recycled, or natural).
And if that is not enough for you, Elizabeth's blog also happens to be chock full o' tutorial and project goodness--like all those projects you see above.  More clever loveliness than you can shake a stick at, I tell you.  What are you waiting for?  Go purchase a copy of Nuno now--$5 was never put to better use.
(all photos are courtesy of Elizabeth Abernathy and her fantastic blog)


  1. This looks incredible. Thanks!

  2. Oh Man! Thank you for this, great inspirations, and I have buckets of items for recycling! I promptly went and checked out the free preview and am buying the whole issue now!

  3. Just here from ohdeeoh. Love your site!

  4. This looks brilliant, thanks. And, a GRAND MERCI for the mention on Ohdeedoh!
    Have a super weekend :)

  5. Thanks for this recommendation - I went and looked and paid and love it!
