Friday, August 13, 2010

Sharing: Some Back-to-Schoolish Projects I Love

Some little school-ish projects I have had bookmarked that I wanted to share since it almost (please don't hate me for reminding you) back to school time. I will definitely be making some of those trinket keepers from Amazing Mae for Beeper to attach to his backpack, lunch box, and wherever else he deems necessary.  And AshleyAnna Brown's snack bags have been on my to-make list for too long and the time has come, people.  And tell me, is Katie's book covering tutorial not sheer brilliance?  So, go have a look at the links over in my Projects Found Elsewhere You Should See file and get your back-to-school craft on.  


  1. Some cool links - thanks for sharing

  2. I featured you today over at Sassy Sites! Come by and check it out... and grab a sassy Featured Button!! Have a great weekend! :)

  3. I made some snack baggies a while back. i use them for everything! Colors, snacks, projects bags, crochet hooks.... so many uses! I put a fabric loop on mine. Great for little hands to hold on to. :)
