Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bookmark Thank Yous

Designed some bookmarks that will be a nice little something extra to enclose with purchases from my shop.  Just because a bookmark is handy and so much better than a business card (in my book--ahem, pun intended).  Overnight Prints printed them up for me, if you must know.
Also, it was about time to order some more mini cards from Moo--so I did that too.  (love the mini cards--charms me every time--their littleness, the mere slice of a photo, the little box they come packaged in, the oh-so-finite space on the back for whatever messaging you have...).  These work as my business cards when I need them-- but mostly I order them because they please me.

Anyone out there have their own creative business card solutions?  Or your own lovely way of saying thank you to customers?  Do tell.


  1. I was just preaching the gospel on facebook today! I love love love my mini cards, and I get so many compliments on them. I tie one on my packages after I wrap them up for shipping.

    The bookmarks are an awesome idea!

  2. what a great idea. I love my moo cards

  3. I usually enclose a sticker with my logo on it, and a postcard. I won a giveway through UPrinting, and had them made up. But when they run out, I am printing some mini cards! Those are so cute.

  4. Yep, the mini cards are pretty sweet. The only thing I miss is that Moo used to have a deal with Flickr so you could upload your photos direct from your Flickr account--but they apparently do not have that partnership anymore. But, their uploader is pretty fast regardless.

  5. love those bookmarks! What a great idea. :-) Overnight prints is awesome.

  6. I love your blog!!
    Kiss from Rome
    Little Things

  7. Can't imagine anything better than opening a good book to find a little bit of Beeper in there. Great idea--totally original and perfect!


  8. Amy--you are always kind. It is just nice to think that people still open actual books--I was astonished recently during our cabin stay to find that both of my good friends were doing their reading from Kindles. What in the world are things coming to when books are something that only exist virtually, and are not something any longer that can be freely passed around and enjoyed amongst friends, and then donated for others to enjoy?

  9. thank you for sharing the link to moo, I'm playing with an order right now!

  10. I really need to do the moo cards this year, thanks for the reminder. Everything you created was lovely.
