Monday, August 1, 2011

Kids' Crafternoon Book Give-Away Winners

Oh, hi.  Did I say I would announce the winner last Tuesday?  Really?  Are you sure?  Well, Monday is almost Tuesday--I mean, if you wait a whole week it is.  Without any further ado, here are the winners of the Kids' Crafternoon books:
Commenter #20: Sweet KM wins the Paper Craft book
Commenter #33: Amber Dubberke wins the Sewing book
Now, you know what you need to do--email me with your mailing address so I can get these sent off in the post to you and into your crafty hands.  
The photos above are my own of the two different projects I have in the Kids' Crafternoon Sewing book.  And if you have not seen been joining Kathreen on her blog tour for the books, you should at least check out the tour stop at Checkout Girl where  Melissa's daughter makes her very own i-Pod Creature Cozy and offers a review of the project...

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