Monday, September 5, 2011

Musical Lego Minifigures

It is no secret around here that, for Beeper, LEGO are next to godliness.  Okay, I admit, I was never ever really interested in LEGO myself as a child--but it is lovely the sort of discoveries one is led to as an adult a result of your own child's interests.  As I have worked with Beeper on numerous LEGO projects and models over the past year, I have gained a sincere appreciation for the LEGO aesthetic--the thoughtful construction, the artfulness in their designs, how these simple little plastic pieces are used in a myriad of ways to build something as complex as Hogwarts School or a Star Wars spaceship, not to mention the open-ended creativity they invite.  

Ultimately, this led me to some exploration of LEGO photography on Flickr and the things other big people are creating with LEGO--and this was one of the sets I came across that did nothing else if not bring a smile to my face:   It is a series of LEGO Minifigures constructed to resemble musicians and various rock groups, made by Andrew Becraft (aka Dunechaser on Flickr).  You can see his musical minifgure set here or explore more of his brilliant LEGO minifig creations here.

To me, it is amazing how entirely recognizable specific musicians are when made from LEGO--like Jack White, like the Edge, like all the members of Nirvana.  How can you not love that?  And then in some reciprocal inspiration bouncing between Beeper and me, this morning he saw me working on this blog post, inquired about the minifigure photos then disappeared for a bit and when he showed back up, this is what he presented me with:
This is Beeper's own LEGO minifig interpretation of our family, including Socrates with his green eyes, next to Beeper.  That pretty much made my day.


  1. I love this group too:

  2. Jenny--that is brilliant! Thank you for the link. I love that stuff.

  3. we have a serious LEGO thing here, and I built ALL of it for my boys. We keep it up because it took me SOOOO long! But I loved it. I am gonna have to make a Lego pinterest board...

  4. Love those figures and love love love lego. My Dad kept mine from when I was little and presented it to me when I had kids, I was so happy to get it back :-) Love Beepers family photo :-)

  5. Kelley-- I am sort of dying of curiousity now as to what exactly it is that you made from LEGO--got any photos you want to share? Or at least tell me about it? Would love to hear more...
