Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sleepover Pals and Wee Wonderfuls Book

I finally did it--I managed to get something made.  These are the Sleepver Pals from Wee Wonderfuls: 24 Dolls to Sew and Love by Hillary Lang
  I made them for Miss Bean's 3rd birthday gift since it seems that putting a trio of little dolls to sleep in their conjoined sleeping bags would be something she might enjoy.  And look:
They roll up all nice andy tidy for easy transport and storage--unlike most kiddie sleepovers I have born witness to.  The second I saw this design in the book, I wanted to make it--it's that slumber party in a package that gets me.  I also have a fondness for simple little dolls like these--especially with their balls of hair and those pouffy little sleeves.  
I did make a couple of changes to Hillary's already awesome design--I replicated the felt hair on front and back so I could give them awake faces on one side and sleeping faces on the other side--just because I figured Miss Bean would like that.  I also did not line my pre-quilted fabric since the quilted fabric I chose already had such a pretty fabric on the flip side it seemed a pity to cover it up.  This did present some subsequent challenges which I managed to deal with by binding the edges of the individual sleeping bags with yellow binding tape.  

And there are still about a dozen other doll designs I want to make from this book, like...
...Koji, some sort of dino creature made from corduroy...
...this little elephant as handbag...
...this doll in a kimono with buns in her hair that look like panda faces...
...and Betsy, a cloth paperdoll on a pillow with a little pocket in the back to store her wardrobe of outfits.

I really, really love this book--one of my favorites, actually.  There really are no bum designs in here--they are all lovingly realized and I would enjoy making any of them.  The book itself is really nice too--hard cover with a lovely yellow binding, good illustrated instructions, full size templates in the back.  I read on Amy's blog a while back that one of her girls is so enamored with the book that she actually sleeps with it--which did not strike me as crazy at all because the book is so good it is the sort of thing that makes you want to curl up next to it and fall asleep with it--so it can be close by to inspire your own dreams of doll and plushie-making. 

Like, that maybe one day you could publish your own book, so beautifully-realized, filled with 2 dozen or so of your own know what I mean?


  1. I love that book too, although aside from a few Mermaiden it's been mostly just dreaming about what I'd like to do! Your previous post inspired me into action though! I've had those sleeping bags Pinned for awhile and kept wanting to make them but, you know... Anyways, I took the plunge, bought the pattern and have two made. They're very cute! I might make a few for Xmas presents.

  2. know what I mean? wink wink, nudge, nudge.

  3. I saw this book when it first came out and didn't buy it...Perhaps I should revisit that decision.

  4. oohh what a gorgeous creation, I bet she loves it.

    That book looks fab! When I am better at sewing I may just have to buy it. x

  5. I absolutely know what you mean! I have actually made 3 sets of sleepover pals and several mermaidens. Oh, and an Eddie, too. I really like her designs. I was thinking of doing a Margot next - never made a topsy turvy doll. Oh, I blogged about it too! I was totally surprised by how big the Sleepover Pals were - I was expecting them to be smaller. I think if I did a book I'd put pics of them AND the kiddos that play with them. Oh to have such creativity!!!

  6. Meg--behave yourself.

    Caren--i am impressed by your Wee Wonderfuls doll making ambition--I mean, considering the book was not even released all that long ago. I think my Sleepver Pals turned out a little smaller than intended somehow...which is fine by me as I think they are perfectly sized for the 3-year-old they were given to.

    Everyone else thining about buying the book: Do it! You will not regret it. If you like to make dolls or plushies, this is a great book.

  7. It was your two faced doll that inspired me to do the same with the sleep over pal dolls. I haven't gotten around to making them yet because I can't seem to find cute already quilted fabric. any tips for this?

  8. Elizabeth--Gosh, I do not have any tips for finding the fabric. I found one of my fabrics at Treadle Yard Goods in St Paul (the one I used in this project)--I also found another one at Joann's. But you are right--there are not a lot of options out there. You could always try a search on Etsy and see what pops up...good luck.

  9. my one-year-old daughter LOVES this book too. she "reads" it all the time. i made the mermaidens for all my nieces but the sleepover pals are next on my list....

  10. I love the idea of the sleeping side and awake side! I just pulled fabric to make this for my daughter, glad I found your post before I got started! Thanks for the inspiration!
