Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Halloween Crafting Compulsion: Part 2

Pretty creepy, huh?  I love this Halloween crafting project.  I mean, who does not want their own faux cured head on their dining room buffet?  Another brilliant Martha project.  If you happen to have a styrofoam head laying around, it's ridiculously simple to make using mostly stuff you can find in your kitchen--you just dip some crumbled papertowels in old leftover coffee, let those dry, and then paste them to the head with this flour/coffee/corn syrup mixture.  Put the head on a an old silver plate tray you pick up at your local thrift store (which is also where my styrofoam head came from), arrange some similarly stained gauze around the base of the head, et voila!  Your own dismembered and unwrapped mummy head.  Sure to delight small children and horrify your adult guests--or maybe vice versa.
You can see more photos of my dead head here and find the project with Martha's full instructions here.  


  1. Yes, that is truly creepy. I would need to have a cocktail after walking up to the head on a platter! :)

  2. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [20 Oct 09:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. When I first saw this picture, I swore it was made of bacon. Now, maybe we just are a little bacon-centric in my house, but I think if you google "bacon nativity," you see an uncanny resemblence in color and texture.
    That's actually pretty creep, too.
