Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who Knew Post-Its Could Be This Creepy?

Imagine: in your spare time, between raising twins and writing for a children's show, you draw these--on humble post-it notes, no less.  That's what John Kenn does.  He's Danish.  His website where he posts these office supply micro-masterpieces is mysteriously named "Don Kenn".  I really do not know anything else about him--somehow, I think he wants it that way.  
Whatever the case, I love these.  Every single one of them.  They channel Edward Gorey, but also, my own home-grown heebie-jeebies that compel me to still sleep with my bedside lamp on when Mr Beeper is out of town.  They are what we all know are out there, if only we would turn around and look.
You can see more of John's creepy beauties here.


  1. Oooh, those are so creepy cool. I love them. What a find!

  2. I love this husband found him for me one day...he's constantly searching for 'monster' things. They put my post-it note doodling to shame!

  3. I can only aspire to post-it doodling like this. All that detail must require a very sharp pencil indeed.

    Like your husband though (and my son), I too have a thing for monsters and things a little macabre. I used to have the Ghastly Crumb Tinies hanging in my post-college apartment livingroom.

  4. I love Edward Gorey as well...but the lawyers who deal with his estate got super grumpy with me about a doll I listed as Edward Gorey inspired on Etsy...and so...I'm feeling rather grumpy in turn! (it wasn't anything specific...just a creepy doll!) I also have a crush on Edward Lear. ;)

  5. wowee, I'm really impressed with the control and non-blobiness of what I assume is a ballpoint pen? Those are fantastic, thanks for sharing. You have to kind of wonder about the mind that generates these images. I especially like the pairing of the clueless victorian kids with the ghosts/demons.
