Friday, November 4, 2011

Belated Post Ahead: The Great Pumpkin Patch

File this spot away for next year--that is, if it happens to be October and you happen to be in central Illinois, right smack in the middle of an Amish community, lots of soybean fields, and small town America.  It is called The Great Pumpkin Patch and is located in a Arthur, Illinois, down just about a million intersecting dirt roads, just past 100 or so farms, and take care not to hit the Amish teenagers driving that buggy there.  It also happens to be just down the road a spell from where my in-laws live.  There's lots to do--it's sort of like the Disneyland of Squash--check it out...
...learn your ABCs via squash...
...visit an old time school house...
...become a pumpkinhead--variety of your choosing...
...admire the rainbow o' squash... a freshly made caramel apple or 12...
...get lost in  corn maze...
...admire the variety of presentations of squash...
Unfortunately, the actual Great Pumpkin Patch was closed the day we visited due to MUD, but it's not like there are any shortage of pumpkins to choose from...
Yeah, we took home a trunk full.  I wish I had taken a photo of all the brilliant jack o' lanterns Mr. Beeper and I designed and carved--the one with two faces was my favorite...but, you'll just have to imagine what that looked like.
You can see more photos--but only if you really want to--because there was lots more to see and do--find it here.  


  1. The rainbow of squash is awesome!

    - Sarah

  2. We know Arthur, Illinois well. We used to live in Champaign, and would go down there a couple times a year. DH likes Delbert's, a men's clothing store. We also enjoyed the Arthur cheese festival, and visiting various Amish businesses.

    Thanks for the post!
