Thursday, March 1, 2012

Zakka Style (and a Lucky Day Give-Away)

Here it is.  Zakka Style.  The last of the books I contributed designs to this past year.  It is a collection of zakka-inspired projects from crafters around the world, curated by Rashida Coleman-Hale, published by Stash Books as part of their Design Collective series.   
The funny thing is, I never really fancied my crafting style to be very zakka-ish.  Sure, I veer the direction of cute--but that homey sweet look particular to the Japanese zakka aesthetic--not so much.  So, I was a little flummoxed (but pleased too) when Rashida contacted me about a year ago and asked for a submission.  My first idea was to make the spelling version of my counting bean bags--which I did--but they did not make the cut for unknown reasons and that project wound up here.  My next idea was to make the hand warmers you see above.  I was in the midst of a a very snowy winter and having something sweet I could tuck in my pockets to warm up my hands seemed a good idea--and I guess Rashida thought so too since here they are in the book, all happy and cozy there.  I designed them to have removable rice bags to warm in the microwave, so the exterior embroidered pouches could be washed if needed.  Now check out some of the other loveliness in the book...
...patchwork pencil case by Shannon Dreval...
...stem messenger bag by Larissa Holland [Hey Larissa! That bag is awesome!]...
...patchwork ribbon by Melody Miller...
...Zakka Block Quilt case by Leslie Good...
...orchard path tweed pouch by Amanda Jennings...
...sweet sugar cookie sack with playtime cookies by Amy Sinibaldi...
...little pocket pillowcase--with bear--by Meg Spaeth [Hi Meg!  How's it going?  Still love this design...]...
Lovely, right?  And there are many other beautiful projects in this book--24, to be exact--bookmarks, totes, memo boards, sewing kits (one of my favorites--it is on the cover), pot holders, nesting boxes...and even more than that.
Now, if you have hankering for your own copy of this book, I have a little quid pro quo for you, something I would like to get your thoughts on: if I were to put together a book of my designs, what sorts of designs would you like to see in the book--what would it need to have in it to make you want to buy it? Would you want it to have all toy and plushie designs, or would you want it to be a mash up of big people stuff, kiddo stuff, and whatever else...what about the crafting mediums--would you prefer it be all sewing, or again, a mix of sewing and other crafting techniques (sort of like the array of tutorials I offer today)?  Any other ideas or thoughts you have about what you would like to see in a book are appreciated and welcome.   So, leave your comment here by end of day Sunday, March 4, to be in the drawing for a hot off the press copy of Zakka Style.  Just be sure to come on back on Monday when I will announce the winner so you know if you won and can contact me with your mailing address, real name, that sort of stuff.  
And for those of you who are impatient (you know who you are) and just need your own dang copy right now--you can order Zakka Style right here.  Now, off you go...


  1. I love your blog, and would like to see a mixture of stuff for kids, adults, and for the home. Fun, gifty, and practical stuff. XO

  2. I love all your projects!!! Absolutly all projects, to kids, to house...
    Is a dream a book with projects for any time, gifts, my children, to make my home more zakka. ;D
    So, make this!

  3. Congrats on getting such a cute project published in the book! I never thought about making hand warmers like those, but after spending an hour shoveling the car out in our first big winter snow (we had a big snow in October, but technically, that was still fall), I could really use a set of them.

    If you were to put together a book, I'd like to see practical, useful items as opposed to objects that were merely decorative. I love sewn items, but a mix of techniques could be fun, too (although I'm more likely to make a sewn item). I'd like to see some info on how to use color when choosing fabrics and ways in which clothing can be effectively re-purposed without a lot of waste. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!

  4. I'd love to see a book of your projects geared towards kids using different mediums! :)

  5. I love all the things you show on your blog - to me the perfect book is a mixture of things - some for adults and some for kids, some for home. I like the way the 1 yard wonder books are put together with so much content in each one! Thanks for a chance on a win!

  6. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book!

    If you were to put together a book, I think just a mish mash of what you already do on the blog would be great! Practical stuff, cute stuff, kid stuff, grown up stuff! All of it!

  7. I'd love to see a books for projects that parents and kids could do together. (Parent does machine sewing and the kid does embroidery, etc)

    thanks for sharing

  8. I agree with the rest...a book about a mixture of projects using a mixture of mediums. Great giveaway!

  9. I'd love it to be all sewing, but using many mediums. And I love stuff for both kids and adults! hostess {at}

  10. I would love to see stuff for kids, adults and the home that are made of mainly re-purposed materials. Fingers crossed there's a book in your future.

  11. I love your mini stuff, the little ducklings and babies with their little pillows and blankies. I hearted you on Etsy a way long time ago and was so excited to come upon your blog last year. So in short, a book about kids stuff first, then another one about everything else!

  12. I'd love to see stuff for kids and adults! Most of my sewing is done for myself (like purses and clutches and such) and my niece who is nearly 16 months! (so used to be bibs but now is mainly clothes!)

  13. hi back!! I want you to make a book that is full of softies, kid toys, maybe a bit of kid decor all made from recycled fabric. Play to your strong suits!
    also, don't pick me!

  14. I'm new to sewing, so I'd love to have it for all of the ideas and new projects that I could dive into. Thanks!

  15. oohh goodness gracious I would love to win that scrummy looking book ! I would love to see a mash up, great photos, simple instructions and easy to copy patterns are what I would look for in a book. Thanks x

  16. I was first drawn to your blog because of your kids stuff ... the alphabet, adventurer stuff etc. I really love to make gifts for my nephews and sons .. capes and playtents have been recent projects.

    Having said that, I think it'd be great to have a few special treats for Mum's too ... so I say a mix with a lean towards easy gifts for kids. Hope that helps and thanks for this chance to win,

  17. I most enjoy tutorials for techniques - like buttonholes, zips, hemming, and copying existing items. That way they can be applied to any project.

  18. It's a tricky one, as I have children I would say a book that has a mixture of projects in, but then I think for others they might be put off! Some things can be unisex and ageless, pencil cases, bags, scarves, it would differ by use of fabric. Not sure that helps!

  19. Another vote for a blend of projects for grownups and kids! I love crafting with my kids, and I know with a book like that they'd find all sorts of things to try themselves while begging me to take on some of the more grownup projects.

    And congrats on the book contribution

  20. Congrats on the book! Very exciting. Those handwarmers are definitely cute! I love the pillow case pocket you mentioned. I made several of those about a year ago for my boys - not the same idea, but very similar. Very sweet!

  21. The book looks great -- thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I love every single one of your projects. I think a book filled with all your tutorials would be perfect - save me going back to my bookmarks to find the tutorial I'm after :)

    I'd probably prefer mostly sewing, with a few other crafty things thrown in.

    Congrats on getting your hand warming project in the Zakka book.


  23. Yes, a mix of projects & a mix of mediums. Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

  24. Personally, I love everything you do, so my vote would be a little of everything.

  25. Working on the idea that Zakka Style tends to be about everything not one specific area I think your book could include all your patterns but divide them into rooms like kitchen, childrens, bathroom and family.
    The magnet letters for example would be kitchen as you could use them on the fridge to organise the family, write notes and all sorts of things rather than in the children's room (why let them have all the fun)
    If you published a book - and I think you should! - I would suggest using a coil binding so the pages stay open easily and having a pocket in the back for the pattern pieces. I would love to see your patterns in print but I would also love this book. Thanks for hosting a giveaway.

  26. I love a variety of projects in a craft book - things for kids, adults, babies, and for the home! That is always my perfect combination that convinces me to buy a new project book! I love Rashida - her first book is fabulous and I can't wait to get my hands on Zakka Style!!!

  27. I love your stuff. i think a good idea for a book would be to choose one or two things and focus on details. I love crafting books, but I find that if there are too many things they are trying to teach (which is why i'm buying them, i'm new to crafting so i need to learn) then there isn't enough information on the subject.

  28. I love your kid toy projects - bean bags, mooshy bunny, memory game, etc. They're so great for creative play and so customizable. Also, this book looks awesome and I'd be so thrilled to win it! :)

  29. Thanks for the sneak peek. Looks great.

  30. Ooh I cannot wait to get a copy of this, I just love all things Zakka.

  31. Hi - It'd be great to see designs for teenagers! I LOVE your blog - it's always exciting when there's a new post on my G**gle homepage. x

  32. Wow, this book is great! Thanks for a chance to win it:)

  33. I would preer the mix between techniques, kids and adults, etc, and with illustrations by your kid :D
    It would make me want to buy it :)

  34. i would love to see a mix of your tutorials, and a mix of mediums, plus some nice full page photos of your setting in which you craft/use your items. thanks!

  35. I would buy a book based more on the style of projects than. I don't mind a mix of adult and kids, plushies - but along a style if that makes sense. I just bought "sew what you love" because I love her style of things. also have little girls big style because I wanted little girl dresses. With your variety i think a mix would be good though

  36. I want a mixture of things. I'm not not too picky.

  37. Definitely your plushies...and I also like a book that goes step by step with photos of how they should look at each step.

  38. congrats on being in the book - i've had my eye on it. i would love to see you do your own book - a mish mash of things would be best. while i love sewing, it's also fun to see other kinds of projects in the mix. yea you!

  39. What I love about your blog is that you have a variety of projects for kids of all ages...and boys!! Your mooshie bunnies, monsters, ribbon plushies are absolutely adorable. For your book, having chapters focused on a child's age or theme would be great with mixed media. Thanks for the give away!

  40. Looks like I'm just like everybody else...books that I like to buy have several projects in them, mostly I'm a sewist. It is a treat though to have other projects (say more crafty than sew y) tucked in among sewing gems. Most books have 20, 30 projects, so as the master mind behind your design, it all depends upon how many projects you deem book worthy, and how they all go together.
    Thank you for an amazing inspiring blog, a banquet of creativity. This zakka book looks cute and thanks for the opportunity to WIN!
    rubberduckywon at gmail

  41. Definitely a mixture of adults and childrens projects but for me not a mixture of mediums! I'd always choose a book of textile makes

  42. I'd love to see a mixture of stuff for kids and adults, mainly toys and plushies and also some practical tutorials. And mainly sewing please. Although I also like to craft...

    Impossible to choose! I just want everything!

  43. I would love to see stuff for kids. Manly for games and learning.

  44. great comments by everyone! Best of luck guys.
    Here's my two cent:
    Great questions! As a noive seamstress, I would love to see creative designs of your own because it's yours! You get a chance to share your talent with the whole wide word! And lots of clear, crisp pictures and easy to follow instructions. Also, a medium of mixtures - stuff for adults, kids, and crafts.
    Overall, a book filled with bold pictures, clear and simple instructions with an array of medium for the noive seamstress like me!
    Thanks for opt. to comment!

  45. I agree crafts of all sorts! Big people, little people, house's all good! I'd have to say one craft medium per book though.


  46. Can I still enter? Thx

  47. A mash-up please!
