- Beeper recently has shown interest in helping me with my sewing
- Beeper's pre-school teacher recently told us he needs some concentrated focus on further developing his fine motor skills
- I did the post on the See and Sew book and they had some sewing cards in there
So, sewing cards seemed like the right project at the right time for us this past weekend. And, also, they are easy-peasy. Really. Just follow the instructions below....
Kiddie Project Materials:
- a paper hole punch
- several sheets of card stock (I buy mine at Paper Source--so many colors, it gives me tingles)
- Yarn (thrifted--those plastic bags full of the remanants of skeins past are perfect for this)
- Craft glue (I use Mod Podge)
- A printer of some sort
- Clip art (Need some of your own? I will happily send you a document with my clip art images if you leave your email address in the comments section below--10 clip art images in all)
First off, cut some pieces of yarn into about 24 inch lengths. I used a variety of colors just to add to the kid-appeal and also, just cuz I like color. Then knot one end--you need some decent sized knots hereso they will not pull through the paper punch holes when in use. After that, pour a little craft glue onto a slip of paper and dip about 1-2 inches of the unknotted ends of your yarns pieces into the glue so it is nicely coated, but not dripping and blobby with glue. Then lay the strings on a piece of parchment paper (or a cookie sheet will work too) to dry--really, anything you will be able to peel them off from later.

Select some simple clip art and insert into a document--I think simple black and white images work best. I used some basic black and white wood-cut style clip art as I wanted to print these on a variety of colors of card stock, (You can also draw your own images if you are arty like that and have the time and motivation.) Size your images so they will be big enough that you can have many holes around the permiter to sew through-- I found making them 1/2 to a full page size worked best. Also, the bigger the image, the sturdier it is for sewing since it will not bend in half as easily. Print out your images on the cardstock and cut out around the image--leaving a 1/4 inch perimeter around the image (this will give more space between your punched hole and the edge of the sewing card--so it won't tear upon use).

And remember, you can leave a comment at the end of this post along with your email address and I will happily send you a document with the clip art images I used for this project. And I promise, no strange SPAM emails will start coming to you after giving me your email address.
very cute! I have grand kids who I would love to share this with but I thought they had to be wood! Glad that it can be done with card stock. I might try some color book images but for purposes of basic animals theses designs are probably more educational. thanks for offering them. Joni in CA
I love this idea and I found it looking to make sewing cards for my dolls... I would love for you to email me your images, they are fantastic and I think I will make some "real life" sewing cards for my sister's grandchildren.
Love your tutorial. Thanks, Trish
This would be such a fun home made birthday gift to make for little ones...I love it! Great blog, so many fun ideas.
I love them! I made some (very lame) sewing cards out of simple geometric shapes, but these are much more appealing. Could you email me the clip art please? I teach a small kindergarten class and I know they would love the animals. Can't wait to see the rest of your blog. Thank you so much for sharing! :)
Hey Ruth. Thank you for your appreciation of the sewing cards. I am happy to email the clip art to you but will need your email address to do that...you can either leave it back here in the comments or email it to me. My boy loves these cards still and the set we made for his preschool continues to be put to good use--so much so that they laminated the cards so they could withstand the heavy duty abuse of the pre-schoolers.
My kids are SO ripe to begin sewing and the animals you have would REALLY get them going!
Could you please email me the images?
heatherpolson - at - yahoo.com
Many thanks!!! ~Heather
Adorable! I'd love to make some of these for my nephews!
Could you please email me the clip art?
Is it too late to request the sewing card images? I just found your blog and love it! kclundberg@gmail.com
Super cute! How this is the first time I've read your blog, I don't know, but I've been reading since the kiddo went to bed and I've found so many great ideas for little gifts for her, her girlfriends and my neices. Money is tight this year, but my goodness you have some fabulous gift and craft ideas! THanks! I'm definitely trying these sewing cards out with her. I remember doing similar crafts with my mum :)
oh and if you have a minute, could you email them to me :)
aprilhorsman @ gmail . com
These are adorable! I know its been years since you posted it, but are you still willing to email the clipart you used for these cards? My address is beccachristensen at hotmail dot com. Thanks!
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