Yeah, I'm not sure what really possessed me. I mean, why did I feel suddenly compelled to attempt to make all of our easter candy this year? It seemed somehow healthier(?) because I could see the ingredients going into each item...and it seemed like it would be novel and something Beeper would like to help with. So, we did it (or at least this is what we managed to complete before I threw in the chocolate covered dish towel--the marshmallow eggs never did come to fruition)--and this is the result...

Chocolate and white chocolate covered coconut birds nests, little chocolates made in molds from
Bake It Pretty, more little easter animal shapes made from candy coating in ghastly unnatural colors (sure to delight small children), and those peanut butter eggs above. And really, it was not all that hard to make, but working with all that melted chocolate
is messy. Probably would be better if I had spread this out over several days instead of gunning to do it all on the day before Easter. BUT, the peanut butter eggs were lovely, and the nests were a cinch--and Beeper really did like helping (sugar? melted chocolate? candy? From a child's persepctive, what's the problem?). So, that was craziness number one that seized me. Then there was this:

You see, now that I had all this homemade candy, I decided that I also needed to make some little easter baskets to give to all the kiddies in our life...and then I really wanted to make some little something that was not sugar-based to include in their baskets--something that would be "simple" for me to make and include...so I was off on this quest for paper craft toys that I could find for download...and holy crap if there is not A LOT out there. So much, that I was up until 2am one night checking out site after site, paper craft project after paper craft project. And what I ended up with were these (free, all FREE!):
This is the type of thing that kids remember Holly. The stuff that makes memories.
I love these! that was a lot of cutting and printing! and so original in content and presentation, I'll have to store this idea for future gift baskets...
Those Easter treats you made are amazing! You put me to shame this year ;)
And thanks so much for the Bake It Pretty mention! I really appreciate it!
Now I actually, really do not feel like I was quite so crazed for making all of this--so thanks to all of you for your kind comments.
And Amanda--I love your shop and am so happy to have found it and share it with others who are not already in the know about Bake It Pretty. I will be back...
I recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Thanks for the comment, Ann. As a blogger, your appreciation of Chez Beeper Bebe is so nice to hear. Have a lovely Thursday.
Um, you sent us a package of this surplus and I forgot to tell you how fabulous it was to get a gift in the mail, completely unexpected, and be able to both devour and play with new toys on a spring afternoon.
Thank you, Holly!
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