Are you still unconvinced of its intoxicating charms? Come, let me introduce you...

(white tango lily)

(crimson pixie lily)

(claire de lune clematis)

(ligularia with japanese ferns and lobed hosta)

(yellow tango lily)

(pink lilies with blackout lilies in background)

(jack-in-the-pulpit--or, voodoo lily as I prefer to refer to it)

(jackmanii clematis)

(casa blanca lily)

(turk's cap tiger lily)
See what I mean? How can I possily fail to resist? But, alas, my garden is fickle and its love is ever fleeting as summer wanes. So, I have to revel in it while I can--before it turns to withering leaves, dropping petals, and dying blooms. But for now, I have its lush love and charm and I am at its mercy. You understand, right?
1 comment:
Great pics!
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