This is one of my favorite things to make--ever. Freshly made house granola is so much goodness in a bowl--especially when combined with good vanilla yogurt and fresh berries. This recipe makes a generous amount so you need not hoard it all for yourself, as some may be inclined to do. Sometimes I even make a double recipe and freeze half because it does freeze exceptionally well and then you can continue to enjoy your granola for months on end (unless you eat it every second of every day and then you might run out sooner, but perhaps you should consider pacing yourself, my friend...)
Get our house granola recipe here:
I am sooo making this! Thank you! (Oh, yeah..."pacing myself"? Not my strong suit, especailly when pertaining to something this crazy-yummy. But thanks for trying.) ;o)
Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I made it tonight and already had it with some vanilla yogurt. It is delicious! I changed it up slightly by leaving out the coconut because I'm not a fan. I think this is going to become a staple in my house. I will be making your banana bread and split pea soup tomorrow! Yummy!
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