Yes, people, it is your lucky day. The first of many to come. Why, pray tell, you ask. Well, because I want to offer one of my unfailingly lovely readers the opportunity to be the very first lucky winner of an all new item I plan to start offering in my Beeper Bebe shop very soon--your very own custom-designed, 100% original, Kindie Garden Plush.
And you know what that is, right? It is a plushie made just for you, a plush realization of a child's drawing of your choice that is all one-of-a-kind. That's right--you select a drawing from a child (your own child, someone else's child, an absolute stranger in elementary school you solicit a drawing from--you choose!), send me a copy and I will make you a plushie version of that drawing. Yes, for real.

Interested? Here's what you need to do: Leave
a comment in this entry telling me something random about you, something most people may not know--could be something important, or something completely irreverent. Just share a little something with me--so we can start to get to know one another better and because I am endlessly curious. And that is the price you must pay to have access to this wonderful opportunity. Easy, right-o?

Leave your comment by the end of the day on Saturday, January 23rd. With the help of my sometimes sweet, often belligerent assistant, Beeper, I will select one lucky winner on Sunday and announce the winner that same day, whereupon the winner will need to contact me to make plans to collect her (or maybe his) fabulous prize.
I can hardly wait to hear from all of you, dear Chez Beeper Bebe readers. I know you will all delight, surprise, and amuse me. Good luck to you.
am i the first, really ?
well, i'm a creative mother, too, even if i'm more preocupied by teeth-to-come in my n°4's mouth and by toilets-learning for my n°3, those days, unfortunately...
well, your sweet give away really makes me smile !!
I can hardly wait to see if I win! You are talented, what a cool idea. I don't even know how I'd choose, but I'd come up with something!
something random? I don't like chocolate... I sometimes feel like I'm the only female in the world who doesn't like it, but I don't... in any form, not hot, not bars, not ice cream. ICK!
but I DO looooooove your toys!
Great toys. Love them so much!
I would really love to have one with me!
Oh such cuteness. I hope I win!
Random fact inspired by the comment before me: I hate chocolate mint. I don't even like to eat chocolate if I have brushed my teeth or chewed gum anytime near said chocolate consumption. I have tried to eat just the chocolate off of an Andies mint (didn't work)
My random fact: I have a small zoo at my house, 1 toddler, 2 cats, 2 rabbits, 4 chinchillas, and some fish!
Love Love Love this adorable idea!
Random fact about me...despite what my family thinks, I really do like to use the restroom alone!
Random fact
The name my family calls me is not the same as the one on my birth certificate.
I am a Holley, my birth cert. says Holly. Went to school, and was taught Holly, so it stuck.
i don't think that i am good enough for my husband! but I know i am truely blesses to have him!
wow! what a great idea!
something about me: well, when i was in grade 6, i got to meet a real siberian tiger. she got quite a kick out of me and actually thought i was her toy. luckily she was declawed and didn't hurt me. but she had her paws wrapped around me!!
YAY... you know I work with my too kids drawing to create kids Tee's I think one of their drawings would rock as a plushie!! Something about me... "i like the taste of purple"
Wonderful give away...
xo Steph
Random me: When I was little I used to sit in my sister's lap and steer her VW beetle while she drove.
I grew up on a farm, but also near a nuclear power plant. Ever wonder what radioactive milk looks like?
(Aw, shucks. Me, too. Truth is I'm a sorry liar and a big tease.)
Could this be true? that's such a sweet idea! Well, here's is a random fact about me: I have this memory of me being in my preeschool class, running to some kind of tap with a lot of friends while unseen by the teacher, and puthing the inside of the felt markers and there the water. This would cause rivers of coloured ink and we'd scream in delight "pink blood! green blood! blue blood!"... And yes, then we were found and sanctioned!
I found your blog by chance a couple of weeks ago and I just loved it, I read all the entries in just one single day (!). Thanks for keeping it.
About me: I love daisies, looking at how ants work and going for a swin early in the morning.
by the way, fantastic giveaway! :)
What a neat idea to make a plushie from a child's drawing.
My random fact: I strap my purse into the grocery cart while I shop, this way nobody can try to take off with my purse while I decide what cereal to buy!
Love your plan and your photos of your creations!
I LOVE that idea! So a random fact about me...well, as the story goes I was struck by lightening when I was 3 or 4. I have no recollection of it, but my grandma and my parents were there and said that it knocked me on the ground.
how fun is THIS giveaway? I love it!
my "random" fact... I once got to pet a rhino. Yep a real live rhino. It was the most amazing experience (besides childbirth, etc). Poor rhino must have thought I was a nut case, the whole experience made me cry :) I petted his ears and face and all but shoved my hand down his rhino throat. His name was Ecko. he is my boyfriend now <3
I love your things and have been following for a little while now. Random facts: I love Depeche Mode, cheetos, the woods, sewing and knitting, and Seinfeld. (Can you tell how old I am by those facts?)
...well, what can I say random about me, I often put a little bit out my tongue when I'm concentrated on doing something...:o)
Thanks so much for this generous chance, you've got really a fantastic idea!
Hugs from Italy,
Fact: I love your blog!
Fact: My husband and I have moved 6 times in our 6 years of marriage. This summer will make 7 times in 7 years!
Fact: I hate moving!
Random fact: my hair faintly smells like freshly grated ginger (that is some up close and personal info about me). Not so random opinion: these dolls are brilliant; I love kid drawings.
Oh, what a lovely gift! Random fact: I danced at the World's Fair in Australia when I was in high school and before I was afraid of flying.
Those are so completely unbelievably awesome. LOVE. WANT. OK, so my random fact is: I lived in Africa when I was a child, and my kids' favorite stories that I tell are all about my encounters with wild animals. The one where the baboon chases me and I throw a bar of soap at him is a classic! :)
what a lovely idea...my daughter would really get a kick out of this!
random fact about me: i ignore my telephone 99% of the time. if it is someone i want to talk to i call back - or if i'm not in the mood to be on the phone (which is most of the time) i send an email :)
thanks for the chance at the plushie!!
(is this something you would offer for sale also??)
Fun! I am keeping my fingers crossed. random fact: I have lived in 16 differnt houses. I'm 29.
something random about me... if i had the funds, I would open my own flower shop. flowers to me are just so beautiful and there's so much life in them that spreads to their new owners. *sigh* one day ;)
LOVE the giveaway. you've done such an amazing job really capturing something on paper and bringing it to life. great job. great great job!
I have 2 daughters, 25 and 27. A son, 15. I made them all crazy with every crafter's battle cry "I can make that". All 3 of them can sew, paint, redo and create all sorts of things. Behind my back they brag about how cool it was to have a mom that could do those things. I am proud of the skills that they learned and now use.
Love this idea!
Random fact: our cat is from Guatemala and she traveled around central America with us!!
Random thoughts?
* My new cell phone has, as its default ring, the Dr Horrible theme.
* Did you know that they make weird bags with adhesive that you stick to your small child in order to get a urine sample? (TMI?)
* We live in Canada and our igloo has a basement.
* I am so anal about spelling that I had to delete my last post because it had a typo.
Oh my goodness! If I won this giveaway, I'd have you make a plushie out of the gazillion mermaid or fairy drawings my daughter is always dreaming up. Hmmm...random fact. I love mariachi music and I've talked my way out of 2 traffic tickets. (I'm really a very good driver).
I didn't know there was anybody who didn't like chocolate...that's funny.
I'm still working on your beanbag tutorial. So far, so good. ;-)
this is such an awesome giveaway and so nice of you!!
my random thing - i proposed to my husband. on leap year.
Fabulous idea!!!
I had 5 kids in 5 years, and they are currently 7, 5, 4, and 2yo twins. I am a violinist, and *love* being touched by others' creative juices!!! I just adore your work! Thanks for sharing.
LOVE this idea. I'd love to win this one. My daughter has drawn some great people that would look AWESOME as a plushie. She will be 4 this Saturday. My Randomness: I was lactose intolerant from the age of 18 until I gave birth to my second child at the age of 28... then I wasn't anymore. Weird, huh? So I thank my 2 1/2 yr old son that I can now eat cheese and milk products without spending an arm & a leg on lactose pills. Other random fact, I have beaded hair. You can't tell from far away, but up close you can see that it's beaded. WOW, that was long maybe TMI.
I am LOVING all your comments and random facts about yourself--this is the most fun I have had on my blog in ages--keep 'em coming!
Hi! I've never commented before, but you provide such an incentive! I'm really crossing my fingers I win--it's such a great idea!
My random fact: I have a slight obsession with bird images. And by slight, I mean I went through my apartment on a whim and took pictures of all the birds I could find--and I came up with 70. (Ahem, I know, it's a bit of a problem)
Hmm...random fact about me? My husband and I watch The Bad Girls Club. The actual show, not just the clips on The Soup.
thanks for the great giveaway!
random fact: when i was little i wanted to marry zach form saved by the bell. =)
My daughter (age 7) was looking over my shoulder while I was reading blogs - and she went nuts when she saw your plushie. She just loved them - and I have to agree with her. So. . . random fact. I was going to tell you that I don't like chocolate at all - I'd rather have no dessert than a chocolate dessert - but I see someone's already mentioned that. So I'll share that I was on the Romper Room television show when I was in kindergarten. Anyone out there remember Miss June? I'm really dating myself here. . .
When I was volunteering at a music festival in Seattle, I ended up sitting on stage with Elvis Costello, while watching John Lee Hooker and in front of thousands of people(then got busted and was asked to leave)... Oh, and I have double-jointed thumbs.
This is a super giveaway, I have the perfect 5 year old rabbit drawing in mind! (He has 2 lollipops for a nose.)
an other great idea!!!
ol is that !! I'm going to get the crayons out and have my little monsters busy ... before I got the sewing machine out !! Thanks, you're so cool !
So cool! Your blog is inspiring, Thank you for sharing! Okay now something that noone knows about me....thats hard....I dream of the day when I can be confident in my creativity and share it with others. Oh I do hope I win, this is just so cool!!
Something extremely random: I was Miss Teenage Albuquerque in the Miss Teenage New Mexico pageant in 1976. No, seriously. I was. True story.
Yr. friend,
Miss Snarkish
I am the mother of one beautiful 8 year old girl...shhh don't tell...but I am a cookbook and craft/sewing book hoard! Most of the projects and recipes I never end up making...but I love just looking through them with my daughter and picking out the things we'd like to try =0) I think it is almost just as much fun daydreaming about a project and what ingredient or fabric or yarn would make it perfect!
peace Beeper and Holly,
When I lived in Bklyn many years ago I ran a coffee house in SOHO, the Lotus club. One of my morning customers nicknamed me Arachnia, which he said meant Spider Woman. He never knew I was a fiber artist (I sew, crochet & knit), and I loved the name!
Something most people don't know about me is that I watch lots of movies. I love Pride and Prejudice. I'm trying to cut back though, it is such a waste of time.
peace Beeper and Holly,
When I lived in Bklyn, I ran a coffeehouse called the Lotus Club in SOHO. One of my regulars nicknamed me Arachnia, which he said meant Spider Woman. I was secretly thrilled, as i am a fiber artist (sew, crochet, knit). I beleive we all weave the webs we thow around ourselves, with our words thoughts and deeds.
Random fact? I was a terrible girl guide, I would sit with my patrol and tell rude jokes instead of working on achieving badges. Needless to say, I only got two badges in two years, a dismal record! But I did leave with a repertoire of rude jokes.
Ooooooooh! I love it!
Something interesting about me that I don't tell many people because I got made fun of for it my whole childhood- is that I can talk backwards. I can say anything, and spell most things backwards without even having to think about it. It's because I'm cool.
Hopefully it will serve me well and win me a CUSTOM DOLL HERE!!!
That would be cool!
What a lovely idea - Random fact: Before marriage and twins I once had my bag of dirty underwear stolen by a raccoon when I was camping in a Canadian Park (it had melted chocolate on it). I never got them back and I kept having dreams afterwards that there was a family of racoons wearing my underwear on their heads to keep them warm!!
Love your blog.
Random fact: One year my brother and I watched the movie, Sister Act, everyday after school. The next year, we watched, Speed, everyday... everyday... I think I can still recite both movies!
ok then, my very first comment on your blog, but it's for the good, i love these splushies!...i've lost my anonymity on your blog..sigh...
i had dreeds....
~your blog is just too fun.
~your creations are adorable.
~your chronicles of your sweet beeper never fail to make me smile.
~thank you for your blog!
~RANDOM FACT RE ME: i have a dog, a 32 kg. boxer, that rides everywhere in the car with me. his favorite spot to ride is in the passenger seat next to me...he always faces forward, like a human! his name is easton.
I love this idea! I have never seen anything like it before. Love them! My daughter would be so excited at the prospect of one of her creations coming to life.
Realized I forgot my random! Oops!
We got to pet a penguin at the zoo the other day!
Oh, this is sooo awesome! I would just die to have a beeper original!!!
Here's my random thing: I wish, so badly, that I were a firefighter. Really.
how fun :D
ok.. um.. I'm addicted to cream cheese! I make dip out of it and love it on bagels! I have been known to eat nothing else for a meal but dip :D
These are so awesome! Ok, so some random thing about me...um. I'm worried I used the same hand to put diaper cream on my girl's butt as I used to scoop medicine off of her chin and back into her mouth before I put her to bed tonight. Poor thing!
This is so cool - I love my daughter's drawings so I would love to see one as a plushie! Random Fact - I never listen to messages left by folks on my phone. i just call them back. I know - probably annoying to them. :)
Random fact about me? I have an apple snail called Brian that lives in my daughters fish tank with Freda and Lucy (the fish!)
that's a fact that I've never travelled by plane. Sometimes I think about myself 'oh, poor thing' but other days I am very pleased that such an environmentalist am I!
Today I am ill so I feel the first one.
Other facts: have all-the-time-drawing-children (Mátyás, Janka, Vince), am 26 and live in Hungary.
It is unfortunatelly too far away from you to find one of your Plushies hanging on the fence...
Anyway this comment is written not to be the ONE but to tell you that I LOVE everything you made with your hands, (mean the foods as well) I've never seen so perfectly beautiful and insipiring things before and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
love those little plushies. adorable!
& hmmm...something about me...i completely overthink color & pattern combinations when it comes to fabric. i papercraft too, but don't seem to have the same stumbling block there. but with fabric i'll switch & hem & haw for a good while before settling on a combo. craziness i tell ya, but fun nonetheless :)
have a great weekend!!
Oh my son would love to see one of his drawings come to life! A random thing about me was I was switched at birth in the hospital. (But only for a few minutes before my mom realized she had the wrong baby) Geez hospitals have come a long way!
Catching up on the blogs I follow today and found your fantastical gift!!!! Thanks for keeping such a nice blog! I look forward to reading it!
Random Fact:
I am a fabricholic...an especially bad fabricholic!!! I think if I were to inventory it, It would take me a month...probably there are 10000 plus yards of fabric in my closet, Help! I just can't help it, I love it and I'm sure I'll use it someday....LOL! You never know when that funky shower curtain you found at a yard sale will inspire you to make a masterpiece!!!
What a great idea. I have a great drawing my grandson did that would be perfect.
Something most people don't know about me: My middle initial "F" doesn't stand for Frances or Felicia or Francoise or Faye. It stands for Forrest, and I love it!
I got the name from my grandfather Edwin Forrest Cooper whose mother named him after the famous Shakespearean actor Edwin Forrest. She had high hopes for him to become a performer. He did play piano by ear and liked to entertain friends with this talent. My son inherited this ability and is a struggling musician waiting for his big break.
Sheesh! How's that for too much information?
This is a great idea. I'm not sure how I would do on the actual design, but I might try it one day.
Random Fact: I was forced daily (by an older sister) to show everyone on the junior high bus that I could shove my whole fist in my mouth. Haven;t tried it since, but I doubt I could still do it. . . Nope.
I am in love!! (With the adorable clown). I'm new, as in two weeks to reading blogs, crafters and sewers are my passion, and YOU BEBE are my daily stop. If nothing is new I "visit" my favs at your site, or check out your favorite blogs. My counting bags are nearly done,just have to finish designing their carrier which will double as a bull's eye/target. Photos will definitely follow. Love your inspiration.
oops, me too. Random fact...I hate gum. My mouth your mouth wherever, I think it gross.
Not sure if I'm going to squish into the time limit, I can never keep track of the diff time zones. Hmm random fact about me. I have a dimple in my cheek that is not in the usual dimple spot that my mum always told me was a result of falling onto an open drawer corner when I was a kid, cept my daughter has a dimple in the exact same spot. So maybe I just landed on my dimple all those years ago.
sono arrivata troppo tardi per vincere una tua meravigliosa creazione, ma voglio dirti lo stesso che hai avuto un'idea strepitosa! brava!
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