At the end of one year and the start of another the fact remains though that I just love handmade--both handmaking stuff myself, as well as buying handmade. Few things make me as happy and peaceful as when I am working on some sort of project in my workshop. Sometimes when I am just sitting at my work table, quietly applique-ing numbers onto beanbags or whatever, well, I find myself smiling--yes, just smiling all for me and the happiness handmaking--especially something of my own design--brings me. It's as good as a Prozac chased with 3 glasses of Malbec, I tell you.
And over the past few weeks as I have been furiously working on the completion of Christmas gifts, I have also been doing a lot of thinking about what I want to commit myself to for the coming year...and I want to share the list because some of it pertains to you:
- Weekly craft projects with Beeper (especially now that I have managed to go down to a part-time work schedule--did I mention that before? Yeah, it's kind of a really big deal since I have never, ever worked anything less than fulltime...)
- All new monthly tutorials and project downloads for my Chez Beeper Bebe readers (starting tomorrow with my latest...)
- Monthly give-a-ways to my blog readers--yeah, that's right. Last year I did the Toy Society thing each month--this year, the benefactors of free and randomly-doled out handmade goodness will be one of you!
- Speaking of the Toy Society--well, I kind of pooped out on my year long commitment for November and December--so, I am going to make those two missed drops up this year and create a special plushie pattern for Bianca and the Toy Society to offer for free
- At least 4 new pattern designs available for sale in my Etsy shop...what they will be yet, who can say, but I have a notebook filled with ideas already
- Selling my wares at more craft sales and art fairs--I so missed the No Coast Craft O'Rama this year and am now aiming to be in the Craftstravaganza, as well as No Coast next year, at a minimum (and maybe the PowderHorn Art Fair...)
- Improved Beeper Bebe purchase packaging--I love packaging and think it adds so much to a purchase that the buyer does not anticipate, but it has the power to delight like nobody's business, non?
- More handmade attention for my own damn home-- just needs more love and attention to its colorfulness
- New Beeper Bebe plushie and other toy designs for my shop--the ideas in my notebook are proliferating like rabbits left unchecked and I need to get some of them out of my head and into my shop
- And just more of what already is--more recipes from Chez Beeper Bebe, more sharing of children's books we love, more sharing of bloggers and crafters that give me a little extra spring in my step...just more of what makes me happy and might make you happy too. I want to share more, and ask more questions of all of you and get to know more of you better than I do--I mean, if you are stopping by here on a regular basis, we should get to know each other better, don't you think? Let's have coffee sometime or something and share what's on our minds and what we are making and what is happening in our lives. Because, really, you--yes, you--you all mean the world to me. Having started this blog and devoted more time to it this past year has been so worth the late nights and lost sleep--the connection I have with you, well, it gives my heart a smile. Connecting like this means something--even if it is only via a comment box on Blogger. I say that like I really think this is silly--but I am serious. Some comments that have been left for me this past year have brought tears of gratitude, and some have made me laught outloud, and many just make me smile--and make me curious to know more about you. So, this year, let's make a point of connecting more.
And hey, Happy New Year to all of you. Thanks for stopping by this past year--I hope to see you around more this year.
And Happy New Year back to you too! I don't comment on your posts as often as I should because I visit often and have used several of your tutorials, particularly the party favours ones. I still get maximum respect from my friends for the little colouring books we did for my daughter's party, so I should pass it on to you too and say thanks for last year and looking forward to 2010! Your posts are definitely happy moments when I spot them in my Reader.
I don't know if I've ever left a comment before, but I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that I love your blog. Happy New Year!
Happy 2010, aren't goals great! I made my list the otherday and hope to have them all reached before the year ends.
Happy New Year to you too! I am a relatively new reader...I can't remember exactly how I came across your blog (it might have been the toy society)...anyway...I love your tutorials and all of your meanderings! Thanks for taking the time! You've inspired me to start a blog that's my goal for now anyway...
Happy New Year backatcha! I just wanted to comment for the first time and say "thank you" for all of this year's posts. I'm looking forward to what the New Year will bring!
LOVE it!!! More Beeper Bebe makes me very happy. I love your blog to bits, even though I am not able (talent-wise) to do most of your tutorials, they are wonderful and, truly, I don't know if you sleep. Still, your blog is one of my top 5, and I so look forward to what you've got up your sleeves...Happy New Year, Holly! xoxox.
Happy New Year back. I love your blog and I read it everyday. I have been inspired many times by your wonderful ideas. I am looking forward to being a lot more productive this year and opening a little ETSY shop too. I am so excited about it. Just wanted to give my thanks for the inspirations. I am about 4 months into blogging and it's not all I want it to be yet. I want to add lots...but that's what new years are for. Happy Monday.
I look forward to see your "mores" this coming year! Good Luck!
Such great aspirations!
Hope 2010 is strange and wonderful for you.
I love your About Me paragraph by the way...
I admit I've stopped by many times but never left a comment. I enjoy your blog and your creations and share many of your goals for the upcoming year.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful new year!
Hooray! Happy New Year! On my 2010 to do list is a whole bunch of your tutorials! All printed and ready to go. xxx
so happy to read your list!!! i think your blog & your creations are fantastic & inspire me so much. now i'm really excited to visit here often, because your creative energy & lovely creations just makes me want to DO something, rather then just PLAN something ;)
so thank you for all you have spurred me on to DO thus far & i look forward to 2010 creating along with you! :)
happy 2010!
yikes! looks like in my excitement my grammar went out the window while writing my comment.
must need more coffee :)
happy thursday
hooray! I'd love to have coffee. Make mine extra strong.
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