I want to begin this tutorial with a little story. One day there was a little organic cotton rainbow be-
ribboned plushie that was sketched and then stitched with love in a very messy upstairs room in a home somewhere in Minneapolis. It was a happy little
plushie, made all the more so by the creation of its 3 identical siblings who sat on a sunny windowsill with the little
plushie, keeping it company. Three of these four happy little
plushies were placed in
an Etsy shop, where they could be adopted by a good family, where they might be
mooshed and drooled on and thrown over the sides of a crib and loved by a baby new to this world, much like the little
plushies. They sat in that little shop, anxiously awaiting their new family for not much more than a week, when suddenly a nasty, ugly, bullying corporate lawyer informed them they could not be placed for adoption
because apparently they were infringing upon some stupid, damn patent or other. So, the dejected little
plushies were quietly and discreetly removed from the shop and now sit forlorn upon their windowsill, wondering if they will ever have a home--and all because some big corporate toy company seems to think you can patent the use of ribbon--even if your happy little rainbow
plushies bare little resemblance to their designs or the description of their design in their patent.
But then, the
plushie creator decided,
I'll be damned if the corporate-toy-making-man can bully this little artist and stop the world from enjoying these little plushies and try to control the creative use of ribbon.
Just like all the other sewing notions and art supplies in the world, ribbons deserve to be given free-expression too. Ribbons have feelings too!
And so, the
plushie creator decided she would simply make a little free and
downloadable tutorial on how to make the happy little be-
ribboned plushies for your own self, so the little
plushies can continue to exist in the world, and proliferate, and be free from the repression of the corporate man. And then people began downloading the pattern, and making their own little happy be-
ribboned plushies, and were filled with joy and were freed from repression and lived happily ever after. The end.

Unfortunately, that little story is pretty much all true. Even the part about me being here to offer all of you a little tutorial and
downloadable template on how you can make your very own Rainbow Sunshine
Plushie. And I really hope you will--if nothing else than as a sign of
resistance to the corporate toy-making man who thinks they need to control teeny-weeny little artists like me who probably would not have sold more than 4 of these in a year's time. And who think they get to rule the world of artistic expression because they have the money to buy a patent (and why in the hell can you patent the use of ribbon anyway? Who's ever heard of that nonsense?) and they have bullying corporate lawyers who know people like me cannot afford to fight them. Excuse me, but
F them. I never did react well to attempts to control me (just ask my manager at work, or my parents, for that matter).

So, please make these to your heart's content and give them away to every baby you know and every person who might need a little
snuggly rainbow happiness in their life. Fight the man and retain your personal right to use ribbon as you so choose:
plushie-making, creative friends in
la resistance against the corporate-toy-making-man.
Hooray! Sock it to the man! Go you!
Thanks for the tutorial!
I hope your little Rainbow Sunshines find the perfect homes, one way or the other! ;)
That's horrible, but thank you for sharing!
Hm. That smells like rotten eggs. A quick Google search gave me three hits - two other people on Etsy selling similar items, and one person selling a pattern to make said item. Wonder why they singled you out? Furthermore, I didn't even find one big corporate anybody selling the same thing. Maybe they should have contacted their advertising department instead of their attorney.
Anyway, I'll make a couple of these, and I'll link back to this post. If everyone does it, maybe THE MAN will see that we, together, are more powerful than any ribbon-baby-toy-maker.
Right on, sister! ; )
Big corporations make me so angry sometimes. Thank you for sharing the tutorial.
That's unbelievable! I stopped on my way home from work and picked up 2 yards of white minky and 10 spools of ribbon and every baby I know will have one of these by Monday. ;)
Hard to believe you can patent folding a piece of ribbon in half!
I wondered about that with the ribbon taggie blanket in Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing for Baby. That really stinks that you had to pull your plushies. I'm not sure how you can patent something like that. A bit ridiculous I say.
That's absurd. I used ribbon to make "tags" on things for my niece all the time (she rubs them when she sleeps... and wears through them in no time).
Damn the man! Good for you! I'm going to make a few of these for babies I know, and tell their parents about your story. They'll love having a little piece of subversion for their tots.
precioso! me parece re util y que bien que te quedó!
boo to the big company patent! but thank you very much to you for the plushie pattern :)
btw where DO you get that yummy organic cotton fleece?
I think I know who it is that's bullying you and yah boo sucks to them! I'd heard they rigorously defend their insanely wide-reaching copyright on anything with ribbon tags, but since there are so many of them out there these days, published in books and in the pattern books I assumed they had lost the fight to keep all the taggy-goodness to themselves. Guess not! What a shame and it really does make me awfully mad and I'll be downloading that tutorial for sure!
Haha- I love that you posted it. That sounds like something I would do! I blogged about it... www.anappleandatree.blogspot.com
This is way cuter than any I've ever seen in store sold by THOSE people. Thanks for the tutorial!
oh yes! I'm downloading the tutorial right now! And I'm already making a mental list of everybody I know who needs a little extra snuggle. ;)
Thanks so, so much to everyone who are leaving words of support--you all blow me away and it I have to say, it feels real nice to be supported by all of you.
Regarding the incident--I was not the only one on Etsy targeted. I do not know who else was, but according to Etsy, I was not alone.
Regarding the organic cotton fleece I used--you can find it at Cotton PLus right here--it is the cotton sherpa: http://www.ocpstore.com/product.sc?productId=93&categoryId=15
I hope you will all share your rainbow plushies in the Beeper Bebe FLickr group--I would be so proud!
Grrrrr. . I have no words, just growly noises. Grrrr.
Thanks for sharing! Who would be so heartless that they have to patent beautiful ribbony baby toys?
What a horrible story! I will be making some of these lovely plushies for sure.
Care to out them the rest of the way? Or maybe you could whisper it in my ear and I could accidentally tell a few folks?
Unbelievable! But, why am I not surprised? Greedy buggers.I'll be making some. Thanks for sharing the tutorial. :)
thanks for being you... way to stick it to 'em!
I thought it was just me a had the same email ! Good for you girl ! Sock it to 'em!! :)
well, actually I don't think you had a bad reaction to someone who tried to control you, this is simply unfair and equally ridiculous. As you said, how may can you sell in one year? does this really affect in their sales? will someone stops us from selling ribbon bows??
BTW, we do the see the difference between their low-quality souless machine made toys and these sweet lovely ones you made with your own hands!
Thank you for sharing the tutorial, I'll make it for my friends.
Warm hugs from Spain!
Okay--you might as well know--it was Taggies. I kind of assumed you might guess, but Taggies, I realize, might not have a presence in other parts of the world. And if you are curious and have some time to waste, here is a link to their patent I was apparently infringing upon:
Seems a bit of a stretch.
thank you, gracias!!
that patent is dishonest.
i am keeping a distance from their products
"2 fabric sheets sewn togeter w/ a plurality of ribbons or tags?"...
thanks for sharing the tut:)
Could you legally do a blog giveaway, rather than sell them for profit? At least that way, they won't languish at your house PLUS you could share the love?
Your story is unbelievable! Oh, I take that back...it's very believable, unfortunately. Taggies merchandise is mass-produced overseas without any soul. I will happily follow your pattern to make a new plushie for my little one. Oh, and I'm going to copy the animal taggies book I saw the other day too!
But is it really true?? Can anybody patent the use of ribbon? It's ridiculous!!
I recall hearing that there was a patent on the blanket with ribbon tags idea. However, you have made an unusual plushie NOT a blanket. You've used ribbon--around for eons for sun rays. You've not used their idea. I sincerely doubt they could actually win this in court. This is bizarre. Using this line of thought, one could patent new uses for button holes. I think you could sew your tags flat (stitch each side down) and bypass their nonsense. I haven't patented this idea (who can afford a patent--they cost THOUSANDS)so go for it.
I see no resemblance between your plushie and a blanket....besides the fact that they both have ribbon loops. But come on! I could (I won't....but I could) put ribbon loops on a shirt or a dress or a pillow case....are ALL ribbon loops subject to this patent? I didn't think the patent was on the loops but on the blanket itself! And targeting a crafter?? I mean are baby blanket patents going to go after baby blanket makers now? I can understand if a large corporation is copying you but a small crafter? Just seems very silly to me....
I was asked by the etsy (and the same corporate people) to remove some items containing ribbons a few months ago. I agree... who are they to own the method of folding a ribbon. seriously!
I saw their patent and think it's 9 pages of harassment! Thank you for posting the free download and giving the nose-thumb to'the man'!
This happened to me too. Made me scared and cry, argh, so mean. I made ONE for my daughter and posted a picture. That's it and they wanted to sue me for saying the *word* near my photo.
I'm sorry it happened to you. *hugs*
Wow that seems crazy!! Well thanks for the pattern. I'm gonna link this tutorial on my blog because I <3 it so! Let me know if you want me to take it down.
Okay Hi...seriously love love love your blog!! So great!!
Way to go, girl! I'll make some plushies; thanks for the tutorial. Might be a nice effort for The Toy Society drops.
I had a similar thing happen to me with a particular fabric in a nova check, not Burberry, but similar...they demanded I take my piece down and sent me a 20 some odd page patent that if read in its entirety and followed to the letter would pretty much take out every type of plaid that has ever been made. It made me so angry! I love how you handled it, I will be happy to help you snub the big man! I say rainbow plushies for all! Perhaps I will make myself a new toy society challenge and drop one a week for a few months! Thanks for the tutorial and such a great blog!
Aww, thanks for sharing! I'll gladly join the resistance!
I hope your lovely little plushies pop up everywhere!
That is so insane. I work in a toy store and I will not be recommending their products to anyone ever again. In fact I may ask my boss to stop buying from them. If it was me I would have told them to stuff themselves and go look up the meaning of artistic license. I will be making these plushies for every baby from now on, so thanks for sharing the tutorial!
Looks so insane and so true : I'm so sorry for you!
The worse I got is someone who stole one of my illustration on my website, sold it to a company to make cute bedsheets for children, and then attacked me for copyright infrigement, asking I removed my own designs she stole from my website. I won in the end because I could proove I made the design way before she stole them, and had the money I won out of this sad story given to UNICEF.
It's certainly wild outside for the cute and the kind, but you're not alone, cheers and hurray for the cute template!
wow! im amazed. who knew ribbon sandwiched between fabric could be patented. im so sorry that happened to you. i love y0our sweet lil plushie and though my daughter is too old for one, ill make several as back up toys for baby showers.
The whole taggie patent totally annoys me and always has. I love your rainbow plushie and I can't wait to make one for some cute baby I know! Thanks for the link to the fabric too, I was wondering what it was.
Such a cut little toy. I have a bunch of baby showers coming up to craft for and I think I will make them for all the ladies.
i am so sorry to hear about this trouble you have had with your cute little sunshine stuffies. it must be nice to be such a big and powerful corporation that they can assign someone to search the internet for baby items with any type of similarities, real or imagined, to their product. they should be ashamed, they are squashing free thinking. i seriously doubt that your three toys would infringe upon any profits they may make.
i am so sorry to rant and rave, but this is so irritating!
you are a greatly creative woman and i sincerely hope you will not let their small minds affect your creativity. you do beautiful work and deserve to be proud of it.
Thanks for the tutorial! Stories like this make me so mad.
Thankyou for the tutorial, although I am sorry it came to us in such a nasty way :( They wouldn't have any qualms about making taggies if yours had come first and they liked your idea and pinched it, I bet!
My first thought was toysociety give away too. I'll be making plenty. I have already made toys of this nature for friends (not actually as cute as yours though!).
I am so tired of this mass produced mentality. I so hope people wake up soon.
Really, aren't there enough clueless Wal-Mart shoppers to keep these manufacturers happy? (no offense to anyone).
Thank you for the tutorial. I hope their company goes in the toilet for lack of imagination. Just wait, new for 2011 ~ taggie sunshines!
Sorry if that sounded negative, I get in such a huff over these big companies!!!
The exact same thing happened with my rag quilt ribbon lovey. As if, my little shop could compete with their product/sales!?! Thank you for posting your cute pattern!! I'll make one for every small fry I know:)
Wow. I was just doing some patent research the other day and it seems that although companies like this try to patent things, unless they've come up with a whole new use for something, it's not enforceable in court. Unfortunately, us little people can't afford to fight them. Not to mention the fact that them linking their blanket idea to your sun just seems ridiculous. I'm sorry you've had a rough time, but thank you for the tutorial!
Live on La Resistance! I can't wait to use this cute pattern. When you search ribbon blanket on e-bay, there are multitude of sellers. There are more of us than them.
I posted a link to your tutorial out on Craft Gossip Sewing:
I'm feeling a bit subversive now. :)
The support here blows me away. Thanks, thanks and thanks again to all of you. I really did not expect this response, but dang, you all rock my world. :-)
Shame on the company and perpetual glory to the ribbon-sunshine - plushie !!! I'm just going to make one for friend f mine who's going to give birth in these days, perfect timing and perfet tutorial, thank you so much!
"Cafoni" that's what we call that sort of people in Italy...quite untranslatable...
Big hug, Silvia
very sad -- especially since julie dix and her partner started as stay-at-home moms with a creative streak. i'm not a lawyer, nor do i play one on tv, but i've read the patent -- which is for a blanket or pillow. i've also checked out the business web site, which offers to make a charitable donation for every taggies-imitation sighting reported to the company.
ya! stick it to the man. Love it and thanks for sharing it's cuteness!
I got stopped too! 4 of my baby sets, each with a busy blanket all vanished off my etsy site. Maybe we shouldn't make things with socks, or yarn or..... what else??
I love your sunshine guy and my little grandson will have one by Fri.
Vive le resistance
Sounds like "The Man" just didn't have enough love and sunshine in his childhood and now, like the Grinch, his heart is three sizes too small!
Looks like I'm going ribbon shopping tomorrow!
Love this little guy! So adorable! I added you to our "link luv roundup" today, come by for a peek! http://bit.ly/cz2eus
My wonderful patent attorney (really, he's amazing and the father of 4 boys) tells me that the Taggie Blanket people's patent gives explicit instructions of HOW to make taggie products. He also tells me that the patent is not the correct patent for what they're trying to protect.
I believe I linked their patent on my blog when the Taggie Blanket people contacted me about my simple tutorial for a ribbon tag blanket.
The Taggie People are flat out wrong. You're doing nothing wrong.
Ah yes, I too had this problem with my teething toy sets. You can see what happened to me and how I had to redesign them. REALLY IRKED me!!
The sad part about this is that I highly doubt even the company that holds this patent was the one who originally came up with the idea in the first place. Using it against a stuffed teething toy seems nebulous when you look at the actual patent. I was toying with the idea of making some of these of my own to sell, but I won't bother now. I have already made some approximation of this for my son and one for a baby shower I'm attending later this month. And now I'll definitely be gifting more!
Sorry you were bullied!
I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune.
Thank you for sharing.
I have several friends who are either expecting or just had a baby so I will make these for them with a smile on my face knowing that I'm stickin it to the man!
It is so sad the way stories continue to come in from all of you about similiar experiences of being put in the half-nelson by Taggies. Also, reallly? Thye actually pay people to report handmade items out there that are similiar...good god the must have a whole TEAM of corporate lawyers supporting them...makes one wonder, wouldn't it just be easier to save the money on lawyers and just not worry about the few handmade items out there that might somehow undercut your sales? From a karma perspective, I am pretty sure that would work to their advantage...ah well. Honestly, I am over it. But, if you would like to buy one of my already made rainbow sunshine plushies--email me. We'll talk.
That's absolutely absurd! I can't believe that. Keep making them and hopefully enough people will download and do the same (I would try, but the attempt would be scary!)
I'm glad some body finally posted about that...since some said company has asked that others not tell about it. I have been just as outraged that they think they own the patent on anything with ribbons. I don't see how that could be true. I'm just waiting for someone (with the funds) try and pursue this with a lawyer of their own. Crafter's shouldn't be regulated by the use of ribbon. I wonder if there will be plushy toys with ribbon in their future? Might want to make sure you have some registered copyright on your item if you can...
Shame on those bullies for trying to steal your sunshine, and kudos to you for showing them!
I love your plushie! i will be making one asap for someone i know!
Thanks for your lovely pattern!
That's it....boycotting all Taggies crap in my house (not that we have any, but just in case)....and it's Rainbow Sunshine Plushies all round!
BOO! For the big corporate jerks.
I don't have any babies around but I think my kitties would enjoy one of these cute sunshines stuffed with some nip. I think I will make them a blanket as well just because I can. I will tell everyone I know not to buy from the shoddy company, and will make these (and blankets, cause really why spend money on junk)for all little ones around. My grandmother made a blanket like the "junkies" for my daughter who is a senior in high school when she was little. Too bad she isn't around to sue them for taking her idea. Well as they say Karma is a B#$%@, so hopefully they will get theirs!
I really like the butt idea.
The same thing happened to me, except with a blanket. What a bunch of malarkey! Thanks for the tutorial- I plan on making one (*or two) of these adorable plushies!
So cute! I'll definitely be making one of these for my little one on the way ;) (myloveandzeal.com)
Happened to me too, about a year ago! Can't make ANYTHING with ribbon tags on them, it seems like, no matter how hard you work to design your own thing!
And FYI, your work is adorable and man, your attitude is great ;)
Yeah, I got the same bullying letter on etsy. The one where they threatened to close my shop if I relisted the items they pulled down? That was a great day for me, too. :(
You thought of the perfect solution! And I will be making one for sure!
p.s. You know the part that really gets to me? Said bully company makes the barfiest ugly "toys" ever. Like they were even in the same league as you.
i'm feeling your pain. i got a similar notice about some sandwich wraps i made. i mean, really. i can't wait to make your adorable plushie and give it away like mad just to show them. :)
Sharon--man, you just gave me a nice big laugh outloud sorta laugh. It is tempting...and perhaps the best suggestion I have received yet. Perhaps I should put some little ribbon tags on it just for them...
The taggie company has been doing this crap for a decade or so. I cannot believe they are still at it! I'm going to use ribbons on every freaking thing I sew, just to cheese them off. Grrr.
(Just found your blog today -- very cool! Consider me subbed.)
Good grief. It's just unbelievable what (and who) you have to watch out for these days. I wonder if they would make me take my taggie snack sack down? I think this is the cutest thing. I'm going to make one or two for my granddaughter. Thank you for the tutorial.
These are just adorable. Much cuter than any of the "commercial" ones defending their patent. I never understood how you could patent a loop of ribbon. Their name sure, they do own that (I have seen people sell ribbon items using the same name as the "big" company). I will have to make one for my little munchkin!
Thanks for sharing this tutorial! Flip 'em off!
I loved the plushies when I saw them and just had to make something like it! But after reading this, now I will make exactly this one, for sure!
Tempting to make an angry storm cloud (w different black and yellow ribbons) filled with rotten algae and send it to the company though...
Keep it up, great creations overall =) So adding you to my weekly blog-list =)
Thankyou for sharing your design and great tutorial. It's so great you've risen above the nastiness and shared the love! I hope this gets back to the people who attacked you and they feel really bad about it! Good karma for you and bad for them!!! I'll definitely be making one for my new baby due in August. Many thanks again.
I just came across your blog as I was looking for some ribbons to make some 'taggies' myself to go with my baby sets and my blood is boiling.
what I don't get it I just checked ebay and etsy and there are still loads of people selling the own taggies. So what's up and why did they single you out?
I've just come across this on an Artfire forum and it hit a nerve with me too. I make baby items and this seems completely whacked out! The patent states that is is a security blanket with tags on all 4 sides... You plushie is oval, not a blanket, and made of different materials.
Here is a thought. Can you finish the ribbon ends with a roll hem... then they wouldn't be loops, but they would be tabs. Or just run a straight stitch all the way around the edge of the loop... also making a tab.
I still think this is a load of BS. Honestly if they have nothing better to do than threaten and try to sue stay at home mums trying to make a but of pocket money, that is pathetic. They should be grateful for the dumb luck they've had up until now and not try to stifle the creativity of other mums. Honestly, a patent on sewing ribbons on to a baby item.
I for one say phooey. I'm still using ribbons on my baby toys, which look nothing like their products. I have two of their items which i bought for my tots but I'm thinking of burning them. everytime I look at them it makes me ill.
would it be wrong to start a 'boycott taggies' page? Support Handmade?
I am so glad I found you!! I am laughing still after reading. I just today got one of the nasty copyright infringement emails from etsy. But get this...its on my felt bunny and carrot purse. It's not a blanket or anything like a blanket...but just because I have eight little ribbon loops attached to the top of the carrot purse..i guess that is copright infringement. To top all things off...the design is a "in the hoop " embroidery design. Meaning that the project was made by a digitizer and the artwork is her own. I guess that would open up another can of worms!!! I am still fuming over this. Way to go on the tutorial!!! Yay!
Outrageous. Thanks for the tutorial - I'll definitely make one!
I think a way around this from what I found is to simply cut the ribbon loop and heat seal the ends. When you list make sure you list that that the ribbons have been cut.
It's still wrong but I think there are ways around it.
I have an update on this situation I will be posting soon...like, this week. Not any big turn of events, mind you, but some info you might all be interested in--and may be subject for more conversation, honestly. But good to know nonetheless....stay tuned. And also, again, thanks for all the support.
Thanks for keeping us posted. I'm interested to know the developments and am following you now. :)
I'm so happy I found your tutorial!
I wanted some inspiration for a stroller plushie...I recently made my first ribbon blanket, and I've posted it on craftster. Those "Taggie" ppl are horrible...I like homemade much better...and whose going to pay that much money for a small blanket?
Anyway, I don't know how much control the US patents have in Canada, but if its for household use only, they can't do anything about it here.
I definitely think your sun is different from the pattent...They now have little triangles and cubes with ribbon tags...Did they patent those separately?
I posted on my blog! Hope it helps. http://bebebabies.blogspot.com/2010/03/something-that-annoys-me.html
My kids have just outgrown the beribboned plushie stage... but I'm downloading the pattern and making them anyway! I'll consider it my act of rebellion for the day. Fight the Power!
You go girl. You sound just like me, only more ballsy, and I love it!
mine didn't turn out nearly as cute as yours, but thanks! and i'm loving your attitude towards the dumb corporate persons.
I happily made one for my little guy, and will be making more for friends little ones. ;) I posted here. www.tenfunkyowls.blogspot.com
I had a baby blanket that had ribbons around it listed for sale on an "artsy" website. Within two days of the listing, I was contacted by their legal department informing me the owner of the patent contacted them stating copyright infringement. This "artsy" website removed my listing immediately then contacted me to let me know about the "copyright infringement." I cannot imagine how someone can copyright an "idea." It's like me filing for a patent for velcro on a baby bib! Or McDonald's filing for a patent for a drive-thru and nobody else can have a drive-thru! Absolutely INSANE!!
I have also received emails from Taggie, corporation. When you said "F you", I said, "AMEN!!!". They suck and I thank you for posting this. I am going to link it up in my blog. I had to make my other blog private that I posted my tag blankets and toys on b/c of THEM. Asshats!
Ya, I'm back on this. I don't suppose anyone has the guts to challenge this blatantly stupid patent? I Was reading about how to contest a patent at:
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/US_Patent_Law. I bet a judge would rule this as a ridiculous patent. We just need to find some grannies who made these for their babies. Patents are supposed to be for NEW INVENTIONS. The scope of the patent also covers areas that they don't even use, effectively preventing anyone else from being creative.
THANK YOU for more inspiration and a wonderful tutorial! I actually managed to make a few!
The world we live in today is absolutly crazy.. I hate to imagine what our children will have to live in if it keeps going this way.
I just went to the website to have a look around and can't believe how horrible they seem to me, I imagine I am still allowed to have an opinion of things? Or have the powers that be, sucked our free thought as well?
Either way, reading from their "why choose authentic" page, it says not only will they make a donation for (in my words) snitching people out, but they will also put your FIRST NAME AND STATE OF ORIGIN on their TAGS OF LOVE PAGE.
hehe I really like this... does this mean that the tags of love page http:(//www.taggies.com/rak.html) is like a big list of people that ratted out the little man and encourage big company bully tactics? who knows, it's just a question hehehe
Would it be funny if someone you knews name was on that list? haha
is it like a name and shame board?
I just came across this tutorial and decided in the support of us "little people" in the world, I would download it, and I am going to make them to give away. My Grandson has a bought toy with similar ribbon decoration but hey, I will make him a better one using your tutorial.
Thanks - and keep on with what you do, even bettering the big companies.
Hi. Thanks for your page. It is one of my most favorites. Thanks for the instructions. Im going to make some to give away at christmas. Keep up the good work.
Hi. Thanks for your page. It is one of my most favorites. Thanks for the instructions. Im going to make some to give away at christmas. Keep up the good work.
Absolutely! You go girl, they really aren't doing anything but making a bad name for themselves. I've never bought one of their products for that particular reason and never will. I'll make my own till the day I die. Love your tutorial and am spreading the word about it. I'm adding a link to your site and tutorial on my blog this week. Thanks so much for such a wonderful happy creation!
fight for the right to craft!!! thanks for the tutorial, I am going to make one for my granddaughter and various grand nieces and nephews...I'm sure they will love them (and drool, mosh and hug them!) thanks heaps...lets help set the Rainbow Sunshine Plushies free!!!
Thank you so much... I loved it right away, this is my version!
just read this page and the patten and the "why choose authentic" tab on the taggie page and am appalled. how can you effin patten sewing ribbon in loops! I am actually embarrassed for the u.s. patten office for even allowing this patten. I emailed taggies and told them so as well. I will never buy their products and will do my best to make sure that anyone who will listen won't either
I just made two of these yesterday and they turned out even cuter than I was expecting (and I was expecting some super-cuteness). Wow, I want to make dozens! So fun and fast. Thanks for sharing your pattern and instructions!
After reading this sad fairy tale, i've decided to make a small little sunshine for a little girl named Zita. She's just 1 month old, but i hope she will cherish her plushie till she's 18 and more :-)).
Thanx for the tutorial!!
Made one! Posted it! Many thanks for the tute. http://mmmcrafts.blogspot.com/2011/03/dont-look-kristyn.html
:) Amen! I've read the patent and it really is absurd! Nonetheless, thanks for sharing this cheery little friend!
I love it! I am the National Arts & Crafts columnist at Examiner.com. I would love to feature this tutorial. Please contact me if you are interested. All I would need is your permission to use a photo (credited to you) and I will link to the tutorial.
Thank you!
I just love this sunshine plushie, I had this bookmarked for a while, and finally got to make some babytoys inspired by this one, only i appliqued a cars- figure and diferent ribbons, http://sweetasmel.blogspot.com/2011/03/softtoys-para-bebe.html
I noticed some bells in the photo but did not see them in the directions. Would you sew them in or just toss them in with the fluff?
Sweet Alyssum--good catch. I think I forgot entirely about those bells when I was writing up the tutorial. Anyway, they are for inside the plushie--when you are stuffing--if you want to add a noise element to it. Would not recommend attaching them to the outside since they could pose a choking hazard--and would probably not be so good for a baby to suck on either...
Yes . . .F bomb in order for sure. No need to type my opinion of the situation, F bomb took care of that. However, will say, "Oh my, how.cute.are.T.H.O.S.E.". Have bookmarked and printed out for my to do present folder.
I feel your pain! They got me on etsy too for my taggie blankets! I'll join forces with you! Thanks for the plushie toy idea. I have a really good friend that just gave birth to a precious baby boy. Can't wait to give this toy to her!
I just LOVE this!! How cute! I can't wait to make my own. Thanks so much for sharing!
I'd love for you to stop by my site!
Thanks for the tutorial. I end up making two of them :)
i was trying to decide whether to make something like this myself or shell out the bucks for one already made...thanks for helping make my decision! boo them.
great!!!! I´ll feature on my blog. Hope you don´t mind
hugs from Brazil
i just love how you wrote 'your story'- and i can't wipe the quizzical look off my face as i try to fathom the patent on ribbon use?!?
new follower and i'll DEFINITELY be making one of these plushies for my bebe ;)
This is awesome! We snub our noses at that nasty corporate lawyer!!!
the minute i read this post i knew that i had to make this, just for the simple fact that someone said you could not!!! i made my own version...pink, not rainbow, because i wanted to use what i had on hand....but now my little one has another fun plushie to play with. this is the second of your tutorials i followed this week. i also made the mooshy belly bunny.
That is just too sweet for words!
I run Fun Family Crafts, a library of craft tutorials geared at kids of all ages. I would love it if you'd stop by and submit this to be featured! (I link to you, I don't post your tutorial on the site) Feel free to submit as many kid friendly craft tutorials as you like! http://funfamilycrafts.com/
Hi, I LOVE this tutorial and tried it myself! I posted on my blog, if you want to see: www.janemarieblog.com (though I'm sure you're a busy lady!). Also just wanted to mention that another friend of mine who sells great kids' blankets on etsy ran into the same problem with the taggies patent. So strange to me...
Thanks again for your awesome tutorial instructions!
Sad that were weren't able to sell them but glad you found another solution! Thanks so much for sharing.
This is very cute! How did you come up with this idea? Good for you!
This is very cute! How did you come up with this idea? Good for you!
It's so cute!!!! I want to make one to my new cousin. THANKS!!!!
Found via http://mmmcrafts.blogspot.com/2011/03/dont-look-kristyn.html
Didn't need a tute this was so easy--but it sucks about the patent anyway--patent law is SO BROKEN in our country, ugh.
Thanks for the idea though, mine turned out adorable!
Thank you for sharing. I do hope your little plushies find a happy new home
what a dumb thing:( to do thanks so much for pattern i love it
thanks for sharing! Sorry you had a bad experience! I'll make one just to spite them!!!
It doesn't say anything about toys in the patent. and cant you add a sensory for ears like jingle bells inside. If you slightly alter the design or add the bells inside, you can sell it. As far as I know.... And I will make a ton and share the link. :)
GOOD FOR YOU!!! I'm so glad you found a way to get your plushie out there for us all to enjoy!! I've ran into some bullies on Etsy (as well as other wonderful folks) and when they throw the "P" word around, I just see if they can provide me with MY "P" word--PROOF!!! There are lots of them just throwing the word around. Oh well...I'm just learning to sew, but I would like to make and donate these to newborns at our local hospital....no threats of patents there!! Thanks again!!
I just made one of these for my grandson. Thanks for the cute tutorial. I thought your story was very interesting.
That's a terrible story! Way to go, let's all stick it to the Big Bully!! I hope to make 3, these are so sweet looking!! Thank you!
I was one of those artists on Etsy who was hunted down by Taggies and told to remove my items from Etsy or they would close down my Etsy shop because I had infringed upon their patent on their ribbon loops. That email scared me a lot. I did end up closing my shop on Etsy, but there are ways around it. You just have to be creative!
Thanks for this post ! I made a little sun out of your tutorial. It's really cut :)
Pinning this to try as a baby gift!! Thank you!!!
Good for you, girlfriend!! Thank you for the tutorial!
that's a ridiculous patent. they might as well try and buy the rights to bear-shaped toys; it's too broad and unremarkable for them to possibly regulate it properly, and people selling on etsy are offering a very limited selection to people seeking out handmade goods rather than brand name toys so they're not losing sales. sad how an established company can be so petty and greedy
Sheesh! That is so silly! WTG you for being the BIGGER person! And thank you so much for this tutorial! :D
Your rainbow sunshine plushie is so cute!! No wonder they try to claim it as their patent. Lame!!!!
Awesome decision to give it away so they can be all over the world and live on forever!! :)
I heard of that patent when it first made the uproar within etsy. It thought it was ridiculous. Thanks for posting this tutorial. funny thing, I saw the lion face plushie you have linked to in a more recent post that someone made using this tutorial on pinterest I think. I made a little lion for my son because I loved the one on pinterest(or wherever I saw it) so much. I am happy to have found the original source. :) They are lovely and so are you to share with us all.
I love the way you told your story! 100% Bullying which we teach our children not to do/ or be on the opposite end of. Adults aren't all that moral in the money making world...I hope they're little pantent sold not a one! Ha!
Thank you for sharing - your plushie plight lives on!
Thanks for the tutorial! It is much cuter than anything I saw made by Taggies and I am 100% sure my niece is gonna LOVE it!!!
Thank you for the tutorial! These are much cuter than anything I even saw by Taggies and I am 100% sure my neice is gonna LOVE them!
Thank you for posting the tutorial. I am looking forward to seeing the smile on my 3 month old daughter's face when I make one.
More power to you! I am so glad you decided to take action, as well as to empower and inform others while spreading some be-ribboned sunshine in the world.
I just came over to read your rant, having seen Maureen on facebook today... Geez, how smug of the "creative geniuses" at Taggie to think are the only ones who can come up with cute ideas! How could we ordinary little people possibly do anything that might endanger their amazing work?!! Give us a little credit, people!! We have creative minds and creative hands... we even have our own thoughts that sometimes mimic (or even improve upon) those of the highly paid "creative geniuses"!!
And great tutorial, by the way...
This is nearly as bad as ugg boots. Big American corporation trademarked the name "ugg" for sheepskin boots, even though they have been made and called that for nearly 100 years here in Australia and New Zealand. Now "we" are not allowed to call them that. Sheesh!
Sorry for your trouble from the man. Tks 4 the tutorial & I think all crafters should unite and download your tutorial & begin to mass produce these darlings for all our friends with babies. We should also pass along this great tutorial & send it to all our craft friends let them make & send send & send. We may be small in number but they can't sue us all & we will make a statement. Keep on crafting & don't fear the boogie man he will be taken care of in the end.
Pinned this, it's just so cute!
I read the patent, and while I understand the theory behind the patent, I think it is ridiculous to expect such a vague description (which encompasses practically everything) to really be valid! Not to mention, I never knew this company existed until this blog. A friend gave me a blanket with the folded ribbons on it when my now 3 year old was born. Going on Etsy just now there are more than 100 different variations of the description they want to keep people from duplicating. Maybe they should have made something a little more unique. That is horrible that crafters supposedly cannot recreate this "idea" of THEIRS... what a joke! I'm sorry this has affected (effected?) so many creative people!
I have to echo everyone in the world in saying this is so lame. At least yours are way cuter. I received a Taggies blanket as a baby gift, and that thing is fugly.
I'm gonna make so many of these for all the babies! Thank you!
This is truly the most awesome blog post I've ever read.
Long live your plushie as well as your pluckie-ness!
Attempted to pin this this morning, and it appears that your blog has been flagged as inappropriate/spam. Just thought you might like to know! Seems a little suss to me!
Also - will be boycotting 'taggies' - stick it to 'em!
I feel the need to sew with ribbons. yeh to you!
Thanks for your lovely tutorial. However I think taggies are only picking on the little guy because my 10yr old son had (and we still have them) a peek a block from the sensory touch series that clearly has ribbon coming out of it just like yours and everone else's. now surely if taggies have copyrighted the WHOLE use of ribbon in this manner then they would have taken fisher price on. Obviously not because they are still being sold just goes to show how flawed their patent is not to go up against a mega toy giant. I wonder if this can be used a defence when the likes of esty send those apparent nasty letters.
I ran into the same problem! I no longer have my blankets with ribbon for sale. So annoying! Since you can search taggies and still get 1000 hits!
Thank you! Can't wait to make this for the little girl in my belly who is having a bright sunny skies, white fluffy clouds and rainbows nursery! So sorry to hear all you went through. Absolutely ridiculous!
Thank you and l will forever share and gift to every baby l know!
Sally Weeding
Unbelievable. But thanks for sharing your story. I was looking for projects to use up scraps of fabric and ribbon so the "Sunshine" will continued to be shared in Tasmania, Australia.
Will be making at least one. Also wish Nellie could send you photos of her 18 year old 'taggle'to fight case, and maybe Fisher Price might be encouraged to take Taggies on?
Your little plushies are adorable and sweet and "sunshiney". Everything those corporate giants are not. Wouldn't it be lovely if we all banded together to flood the world with thousands of these plushies...we could make and donate them to poor plushie-less children everywhere. And if every child has a home made one, they won't want or need a store bought cheaply made "taggie"
I haven't used your pattern but I made it nevertheless (I had had the idea of using ribbons before and made a hedgehog for my first daughter http://frederiqueandfriends.blogspot.de/2011/12/labels-textures-hedgehogs.html ). I will soon be posting a picture and linking to your own post. Your story is amazing! I bet we have all made something similar to buyable toys... I would also bet that they are of better qualities and at least they are made with love!
Thanks for sharing your pattern. I've pinned it on Pinterest and hopefully some more people will be interested when I link you on my blog!
Way to go! I am making these out of upcycled baby clothes for the Police Dept and Fire Dept in my town, for kids these meet in their situations.
hell yeah!!!!! i'm going to make as many as i possibly can from the stack of ribbon i have at home. Thanks for sharing your story. :) I support your cause wholeheartedly. Go you!!!!!!!!!!
Love this soft toy and am going to follow your example and make loads!
I just tried making one of these. I got as far as the embroidery. I can't figure out how to embroider the face on? Do I go all the way through the back? How do you tie the thread so it doesn't all come through? Confused.
Emily, you do not embroider through the back of the plushie. You enter and pull the embroidery floss through so a small piece of the tail remains inside the plushie, them you begin stitching--make the first full stitch carefully so you do not pull the tail of the floss out from the inside of the toy--once you make a couple of stitches the floss will be secure and will not come out. Hope that makes sense...trust me, it'all work.
Thank you! I managed to finally make it work. I need to work on my embroidery skills. They are so cute though, I will definitely be making more!
They wish they had thought up your beautiful sunshine toy! Never heard of them here in Germany but checked out their range and yours is just lovely! Going to make this for my 5 month old. Thanks for posting
I love how you can make use of your scrap ribbons of any type, size, color, and length! This is a great idea! love it! I featured this in my blog: http://www.plushiepatterns.com/rainbow-sunshine-plushie-pattern-by-chezbeeperbebe/
Yea for you!! I agree, stick-it-to-the-man!!!
Thank you for sharing, both your pattern and your story, which would have been lovely had some points been different. But WELL DONE! I think you got back at them in the best possible way!
Thanks so much! I look forward to sharing the plushie joy with my friends babies this year- thank you for your generosity.
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