I know. You've probably seen this book before--or maybe already even own it. My Many Colored Days by Dr Seuss. But the thing is--it really is one of my very favorite all-time books. And it has been a favorite of Beeper's ever since we gave him a board version when he was two.
But what if, somehow, by some sad twist of fate--like that you were raised in a locked and dank basement with no access to sunshine or libraries--you had never seen this book? And, that's why I have to tell you about this book even though you probably already know about it.

I love the simple rhyme based around the the simple themes of feelings expressed through colors and animals. Personally, I relate to the notion of the color of your mood shifting from one end of the color spectrum to another from day to day. I admit, I am like that. And guess what? So, is Beeper. (poor Mr Beeper is one of the least capriciously moody people I know--the man is like water, flowing from one day to the next, with few ripples)

But look at all those gorgeous illustrations--done by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher, by the way and not the Dr. I love the blissful marriage of his words and their pictures. Honestly, I cannot imagine a book being much better than this.

And the colors. Not quite like a rainbow threw up on it, but so many happy and pretty colors, nevertheless. No wonder Beeper loves it. How can you help but love it too?
Oh how we love this book in our house. Hope you are having a "pink" or "yellow" kind of day!
Okay, I thought I had seen and read all of Dr Seuss' books but I have never in my 32 years heard of this one! I'll be at my local bookstore begging for a copy this weekend!
OH! Bugglesnug! You have just made my day! Because here I thought everyone had seen or heard of this book...but there ARE people out there who may not know about this wonderful book...my work is done here.
We love-Love-LOVE Dr. Seuss!
Love Dr. Suess, but have never seen this one! Love the painted illustrations. I'm off to add it to my Amazon cart. Thanks for sharing!
I've never seen this one either! Definitely will grab it from our library. Thanks for the tip.
I had never heard of this book before, but it looks really good -- now that I am a gramma I am again on the lookout for good books -- I am going to have to find this one : ) I recently bought "There's a Wocket in my Pocket" by Dr. Seuss and am loving it's silly rhymes. Thanks for sharing this one with us.
Oh, I used to read this book to the kids I nannied. Funny that I never did buy it for my own kiddos.
Love it.
Given that Dr. Suess' birthday was March 2, this is a very timely post!
I have never seen this one, but we checked it out from the library today!
How can this be so? So many of you who have never seen this wonderful book? You are challenging all of my assumptions about the way the world works...but I am so excited for all of you who will read it for the first time and enjoy all its beauty...
I have never seen it either so I will be on the lookout for one as soon as I get near an english language bookshop! Thanks for sharing!
I am also in the cadre of folks who have never heard of this book. I am so happy you shared it with us! I am on the lookout for a few books to put in Nova's Easter basket and this one will probably make the cut. Thanks!!
We just found this at our library! Very excited to read it, esp now :)
Wonderful book. Wanted to share a favorite of ours that I think you all might really enjoy, called "Bruno the Carpenter" as I believe Mr Beeper dabbles in building. We originally got it from the library, but eventually bought it and made it part of the family library.
I have never seen this book before! And how could I have missed it? I love color! I'll just have to go buy one for our library. Thanks!
This book is fantastic. I also really like 'oh, the places you'll go'. When I get to 'Kid, you'll move mountains' I can't help thinking about the beautiful adventure of life ahead of them.
I love that book too, Trula. I also love The Lorax, The Butter Battle Book, and the collection of stories in the Sneetches book--all my fave Dr Seuss.
we have a lot of Dr. Seuss books- had not heard of this one but will get it this week- thank you for sharing here.
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