And this is Beeper's latest doodle face. It is a wizard. Ala Dumbledore, I think (or so I like to think since I have great affection for Dumbledore, like he is my favorite eccentric uncle or something). He happens to be holding 3 wands in each hand too, in case you did not notice.
And on an entirely separate side note--I wanted to share some info with all of you about the Rainbow Sunshine Plushie fiasco. Coincidentally, my brother-in-law happens to work in the US Patent Office--he is an uber-smart guy with a science-y PhD AND a law degree, for good measure. He actually reviews patents for his job. Naturally, I sent a little note his way when Taggie's attacked. And what I learned was that I actually was in violation of their patent. He said with the way it was written, what they had actually patented was specifically the use of folded ribbon. I know. He thought it was a little surprising too that there was a patent on that. He did say that if I had the inclination, I could set about trying to challenge their patent, and find some examples prior to the original patent date, showing that they were not the first to use ribbons in the way they do. Tempting--but not really. At this point, I could give a rip. I am just over it. And while I still think it is ridiculous, I have to admit that it has been a good lesson in patent law, but more valuably, it has taught me how supportive all of YOU are. I was truly wowed by the support so many of you showed to me over this crazy issue. And your own commitment to standing up to the man, when called upon. The comments you left made me smile, laugh and just feel downright warm because I knew I was not alone. So, thank you for all of that. Thanks for visiting, reading, and supporting. It is that sort of thing that makes all the time I spend on this blog worth it. I love you, man (big group hug vibe coming your way).
it seems almost unbelievable that you could patent "folding ribbon". i know i'll never buy a taggies product because of that (i never have)! but i've made plenty of blankets and plush blocks and toys that have folded ribbon for my kids and friends. (not for sale...just girls. but still.)
What's crazy about the Taggies patent is that it must be JUST the folded ribbon. I received a baby gift that is essentially a Taggies knock-off, by Carter's. It's a blankie w satiny tags, but they aren't ribbon; they are hemmed rectangles of various materials. Clearly the Taggies patent was non-applicable since these are mass produced and marketed, but I would personally think that this blankie is a greater threat to their bottom line than your plushie or other folded ribbon use. :::sigh::: Maybe we can fold and sew all the stupid red tape into some new plushies. Ha. =)
Thank you for the information on the Goodbyn! I am a Michigan resident and do my best to support local businesses (our economy is especially cruddy at the moment). I passed along the Goodbyn site to my sisters-in-law. One works at a pre-school and the other is a high school teacher with a 4-year-old set to go off to school this fall. My husband is a lunch-packer --- and I could easily become one. I love the colors of the ear-less boxes and think for the size of our lunches they would work for adults. Many thanks!
We have GoodByn boxes too and I agree with everything you say about them. They are AWESOME!!!
I started reading your blog when I saw a post about your being attacked. I was so hoping you were going to say that you had found out that they were wrong. They had Etsy de-activate some of my stuff, even though on the most recent case, it was appliqued on to the front of the blanket, not in the side seam.
I wish I had the means to fight it, but I don't have the time, energy or money to take them on.
Man! That folded ribbon thing is totally whacked. I guess, then, it would not be a violation to make one with folded seam binding? Or ric rac? It doesn't seem unique enough to be allowed. Would it be OK to make one if the ribbons were snipped open on the end, instead of folded?
And whose job is it to cruise around etsy and the Internetz looking for violations of the folded ribbon situation anyway?
Sorry. I'm all p-o'ed about this again. You seem to be handling with much more grace.
I love you,and I don't even know you! I'm so irked about the taggies thing, I too have had friends not be able to make their homemade stuff because of Taggies (rrrrrr). Anyway, I'm so getting one of those lunch boxes! I love packing lunches, but I HATE using plastic bags that get thrown away. Thanks for the info.
they can take their patent and stick it up their..well you know. I mean seriously.
Agreed - that patent is beyond stupid. And what another commenter said - can you imagine prowling around Etsy looking for patent-infringers for a living? You must have garlic in your soul to do that.
I love that lunch box but sadly I just threw down for a new one. I will think of it fondly while grimly filling my tiny tupperwares and such.
It's ridiculous the things they can patent! I think I'll patent water....I definitely thought of that first ;o). Folded ribbon....again.....ridiculous!
That is so unbelievable about the taggie!!!! I think that that is crazy!!! I am in shock that I can't even think to type!!! Thanks for the update though. Love your blog!!!
Hello Holly!
For some reason your blog post about your latest tutorial shows up in my google reader, but it won't take me to that post. In fact, your tutorial is not on your home page either. Do you know why? I love your tutorials.
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