We have a winner for the little plaid Mr Cottontail--Claire of comment number 36, please step forward to claim your prize (even if you did not leave your email address, as requested, ahem!). But I am happy to know Mr Cottontail will go to a home where a new baby is expected, and where the baby's mama is busy sewing lots of little clothes for it...how could Mr Cottontail be anything but perfectly content in such a home?
And thanks for all the comments about what you do and what you wish you could do better or at all. As for me, well, of course I love to sew, with reclaimed materials preferably (and I admit I love hand-sewing most because it is meditative--especially when you do it while watching MadMen). The list of things I wish I could do includes quilting (please, no questions about the quilt to be--still psyching myself up to begin it), crocheting, screen-printing, and sewing clothes for myself...the list could go on. I also wish I knew how to make full use of my camera...see, Mr Beeper bought me this very lovely camera a year or so ago as a gift, and I know how to use a mere fraction of its functionality. But I suppose these are all things to aspire to when the days comes that I might actually run out of other things to do? You know, when hell freezes over and pigs fly and stuff? Or maybe one day I will just burn out really hard on making toys and plushies and stuff and then turn to crocheting, never to be heard from again...
Whatever the case, Claire dear, please contact me with your email address and the blue plaid bunny is all yours. And thanks again to all of you for your comments...makes me want to create some sort of challenge around learning that new crafting technique you always wanted to learn...
Your new one will love it!
Just came across your blog & am loving it. I have a MckLinky party called Tot Tuesdays. I’d love it if you’d stop by & share some of your great ideas for tots:
Now following! ;)
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