Hey everyone. I'm back. I didn't forget and look the wrong way when crossing the street in London and find myself smooshed beneath the wheels of some impossibly tiny European car. Nor did I find myself among the ranks of bloggers who start a blog and have a good thing going only to suddenly disappear forever, as if abducted in the night by some paramilitary group or something. Really, all that happened was that this damn tutorial was a bit more complicated than expected and I meant to work on it on the plane but then I forgot the sheet that had my measurements for the pattern on it so I couldn't work on it then and instead I have been putting it together this past weekend in fits and starts between birthday parties and cookouts and work on the garden and just watching Beeper splash maniacally around in his new kiddie pool while I eat fruit popsicles. But, it is done. Hallelujah.

This is it, in all its imperfect glory. I even included a couple of extra little projects in the download--for the girl-face pin cushion, and a little felt needle book. Just because I thought you might want to make a little something extra to stash inside the sewing box once you complete the kit itself.

And yes, there are 14 pages to this tutorial, but that does include the pincushion and needle book, and all the templates...so don't get scared about it. This project is not so hard, although fairly exact measurement is important when making the box or your completed box may look a little down at the heels and saggy in all the wrong places--but even then, this is supposed to be for a kid--who will likely never even notice a sag or two, especially if you stock the kit with all sorts of yummy sewing goodness.

So, there is a photo of all the materials you need to make the whole shebang. And here is the tutorial for you to download:

Now go forth and make some sewing kits for yourself and the kiddies in your life. While I cannot guarantee anything soon, I am working on a series of kiddie-friendly first-sewing projects, the patterns for which will be for sale in my little shop...because, if you are going to have a first sewing kit, you kind of need some first sewing projects to go with it, right?
(and I will be back with some photos from the London trip--including an afternoon of shopping at Liberty and buying a bit more tana lawn than was probably prudent...)
Wow. Thank you for writing this project up! I am going to make this for my daughter who won't be sewing for years, as she's eight months old. Part of a crafting hope chest, I guess.
Fabulous! My almost-5 year old daughter is just getting interested in sewing and this will make the perfect 5th birthday present. Can't wait to get started on it. Thanks so much :)
wow, I can see why that was so much work.
Man-oh-man, I can't wait until my 18 month old is big enough for this sort of thing. Super cute :) I'll have to save this for a *much* later date!
That is just fantastic - definitely going on my to do list for when the kid is older
Holly you are so good to us! This is a perfect gift for my 14 year old niece who has just bought her first sewing machine - luckily her birthday isn't till September so I've plenty of time to get it right.
Isn't Libertys the most wonderful place - a visit is obligatory when I have a day in London. Looking forward to your photos.
Thanks so much for the tutorial.
I'm glad to see that you came safely back.You did a long job with this tutorial..I read it ,yet can't get any of my 6 granddaughters (from 2 years to 15) to sew .I've been sewing more than 50 years !!Y.S from France
Yea! I'm so glad to see this tutorial. I've missed your posts in my google reader these past few weeks. My daughter's birthday is in July and so I think I will be giving her this sewing box along with her own supplies and a sewing machine for her birthday. I'm really looking forward to your kid-friendly sewing projects as I just don't think there's enough of those around.
Adorable! Thanks for the tutorial. :) I think this would be a fun kit for some adults, too. Sometimes those of us who struggle to sew need a portable little creative space for our sewing fairytales. :)
amazing! I wish someone had given me one of these as a child!
Aww this is so sweet! Thanks for posting it up :)
You're so generous to make this available for free! My elder daughter turns 8 in 2 weeks and this will be perfect for her. Though that means I have to find time in between sewing a bazillion bear clothes ready for her bear dressing birthday party ...
This is a wonderful tutorial...my oldest will fall in love, if I make her one of these! Thank you and so glad you had a good time in London (and didn't get smooshed, tee hee ;)
Jamie :)
I'm very excited to see a new post!
Welcome home and thanks for the tutorial!!!
thank you for sharing this, i have a little friend in mind who may just receive one of these for her birthday :)
I absolutely love this! Can't wait to try it. Thank you for the instructions!
Thank you for the AMAZING tutorial!!!! Can't wait to try it. :)
I was only thinking the other day that something like this would make a great present for my girls. Thankyou for the tutorial.
That box is awesome!
I think it would be great for anyone!
And I was just thinking how cute it would be to make a pincushion that looked like a doll face.
Yeah--the doll face pincushion--I cannot decide if I really, really like it, or it is maybe a little creepy...
Looks superb...perfect gift for an upcoming birhtday - thaks muchly :)
thank you so much!
and I can leave you comments!!!
This would make an EXCELLENT gift for a young sewist- sewer? stitcher? A child who sews? "Sewer" must be spelled differently!
In any case, lovely work. Super fun prints and materials to inspire said child.
This is so delightful! Is it all right if I make it for myself? I can't resist.
I can't seem to get the tutorial... could someone send it to my email please?
I would need the PDF itself... it's that google page that seems not to work...
Lethargic Lass--sometimes Google Groups, where I stow my documents, is temperamental so you I would advise trying again. It usually works, but it goes through little fits where it it does not seem to want to share my docs--so try to the link again and see what happens.
You are amazing. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I hope to make this for quite a few sweet little girls in my life (and 2 adorable boys!)
very useful tutorial!
This would be easy to make if you took a cigar box and covered it with fabric instead of making the whole box.
Just seen this - lovely project and thank-you for being so generous with your time and energy. :)
hi!! i just wanted to stop and tell you that i am in love with your blog. you make me really want to learn to sew. your creations are fantastic! your photos are all so lovely and i am just so excited to check back on you rfrequently. thank you for sharing your inspiration!
- abby (a fellow mn mom & local florist)
I just wanted to say thank you so much for this tutorial, Im in the middle of looking out for projects for christmas gifts and will be giving this a go for my mum! she will love it! x
Such a great way to get the kids started! thank you :-)
Hi there, just wanted to say thank you for the tutorial, I've had it bookmarked for ages and I have finally got around to finishing one for my daughter.
I just love it!
Thank's so much for share with us!
for sure, once! thanks!
Thank you! I am looking to get my daughter a sewing kit and about died at the cost! So I thought I could make one but wasn't sure where to start. You have save me hours of thought and measuring!
Thank you for writing it up and posting the instructions.
éthank you for the wonderful tutorial
this is awesome!! thank you so much!!
I can't wait to make this! I've repinned it onto my board on Pinterest, please let me know if that is not okay so that I can remove it!
Hola, es un buen proyecto y muy útil, además pienso que se puede adaptar para una persona adulta con medidas un poco más grandes.
Me haz dado una gran idea.
Un saludo desde Colombia.
This is what I have been looking for to give a gift for grandson who got a machine for Xmas. May even have him help me sew it, this is just up his interest level. THANKS
Your blogs are totally worth giving time and energy. sewing kit
This is absolytly wonderful and sooo cute!! I ove your sewing box <3
Thanks so much for sharing the project tutorial, makes me very happy!
Hello! I just love your Child's Sewing Kit but can't get to the tutorial download. I would love to make these for Christmas Child boxes!Could you help, please? Thank you so much! Is it inappropriate to ask for an email an not an open post? Thanks for your consideration.
Hello! I just love your child's sewing kit but am unable to download the tutorial. I would like to make some for Christmas Child Boxes.Could you help, please? Thank you!
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