Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In My Shop: Two-Faced Friend Dolls & Counting Bean Bags

I've managed to whip out a few sets of counting bean bags and a little gang of two-faced friend dolls.  Two of the sets of bean bags are made with some of those reproduction feed sack fabrics I so love--they have quite a lovely washed-out vintage-y look.   And the dolls are all made with real, authentic vintage feed sack and vintage trims and other recycled materials.  If you'd like to have a look, you find them here, in my little shop. 


  1. Your dolls are adorable! I made a two faced doll a few years back ( one side was a rock star;other a ballerina) but it didnt turn out this good!!!

  2. mruna--you are a braver woman than me. I am not sure I would attempt something that complex--awake and asleep are as complex as I get with this sort of doll...

  3. hola
    me encanta tu blog
    espero me sigas como yo te sigo a ti
    tambien quiero compartir ideas



  4. oh my gosh. I just found your blog and I'm in love with every single thing you make! and thank you for being so generous with all your tutorials! must start adding some of your beautiful ideas to my 'to make' lists...

  5. Hi! I just found your blog through the Rhythm of the Home blog...LOVE IT!!! Love the bean bag tutorial, can't wait to make it. I am loving someone out there makingn BOY stuff, b/c I have 2 boys and usually all the fun crafty things are for girls. Are you French? Just curious since you said you want to move to France. I'm Swiss...maybe one day I'll get to move back to Europe. Take care!

  6. Elisa--I am not French--just someone who studied the french language from the time I was 13 through college, and then visited France several times and am in love with the way of life there...so, just another hopeless francophile. And welcome to my blog--thanks for visiting.

  7. Oh, those are lovely! I just made some bean bags too! They are fun to make and perfect for little ones to help with. I hope this finds you well! a
