Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I Bought in London: Tana Lawn

This is Liberty.  Much like Tiffany's, it feels like nothing bad could ever happen to you in place like this.  That is, until you rashly blow your son's college fund on Tana Lawn.  But have a look at this some of the fabric and you will understand how all common sense evaporates...
Tres joli, non?   There was a quilt there that was made from nothing but Tana Lawn and merely touching it I was immediately lost in a reverie of what it would be like to sleep under it, at once silky and crisp, pretty as spring, certain to keep nightmares at bay.  Even with your husband waiting patiently for time without end as you walk up and down the aisles, again, and again, and again, trying to decide which of these little pretties will come with you--even if it does mean a trade school education for your son-- am pretty sure at least some of you can understand why I could not leave London without several yards tucked safely in my suitcase. (and did I mention that you need not even visit London to buy your own?  Find their full selection of fabrics right here...)


  1. Oh boy, that place is dangerous... Even before I could sew I blew my budget more than once on Liberty fabric. It's just irresistible, especially when you're there, and everything is SO beautiful, and matching, and... I think I need a London shopping weekend with my mom, like when I was a teenager.

  2. The sound of that quilt has me planning...

  3. I LOVE that fabric! Did you do other fun things? I'll be in London for a day (11 hour layover) and would love some suggestions.

  4. Isn't Liberty's a magic place! Its like stepping back in time - full of the ghosts of the Arts and Crafts artists of 100 years ago!

  5. Melissa--two of my favorite places in London are the Tate Modern (also a fantastic place to buy gfts-one of the best Museum gift shops EVER), and the British Museum. You could easily do one of these in an eleven hour layover and still have some time left over for finding a local fish and chipper for a meal, maybe even a little shopping. If you are in the mood for walking, you can also always walk from the British Mueum down to Trafalagar Square, and then over to the Parliament building (Big Ben) and even over to Buckingham Palace--this would take you a couple of hours and take you past some iconic sites (or you could grab a doubledecker bus tour and see even more...)...I love London. I actually lived there for a period of time so I know it quite well--and yes, I will be posting more about our recent trip there soon....

  6. I am loving the fabric in the bottom right corner!
    What beautiful fabric, I am so jealous about your london trip! I would love to visit one day!

  7. I'm spending a week in London in August and I can't wait to check out Liberty. Your post has made me even more excited to go!
