Monday, August 16, 2010

What 6 Years Old Looks Like

Yes, this is what 6 years old is looking like these days.  This is what you get when you attempt to take a photo of your boy laying on the lawn on a summer's day.  What was I thinking?

On a side note--you may have noticed that my blog banner has become a bit more cluttered.  Yeah, I switched it up because it just seems a more accurate depiction of what my workshop is looking like these days.  Lots going on and lots of mess.


  1. He's a very handsome little dude--and a very lucky one, I think. You're an awesome mom.

    Love your banner--keepin' it real.


  2. Perfect pictures of your little man! I have some of my son making funny faces too...alas...he's just turned 18 and I miss those days! My daughters aren't quite as free spirited as my son was. I love your new banner...I noticed it right away...reminds me of my sewing space right now too....seems like I get my best work done in what others would call total chaos! Take care!

  3. Amy--hi there! Have been missing you around here. Also, I did not recognize you at first since you changed your avatar! Would invite you in for a cup of tea, but well, you are in San Diego and I am in Minneapolis so we will just have to hold our cups up to one another across the states that divide us.

    And Lakeside Sewing--thanks for the comments on the banner. I agree with the chaos--while tidy always feels momentarily good, it really means not much is being created. Creation before cleanliness--that's my motto.
