Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Matchbox Monsters

Little itty bitty dotty boxes on the window sill.  Wonder what's in them? 
Why, hello there little monster.  Time for a nappie change?
Shhh...back to bed now for you and your little beastly friends....nightie night.

Yes, another project I have been at work on as part of that other project I cannot tell you about quite yet...vague enough for you?


  1. i love them! great idea too! btw, i posted a new hand sewn doll on my blog using your capelet tutorial. www.carlasdeleon.blogspot.com have a great week! xoxo

  2. wow, what a lovely group of mini-monsters!
    They look really cute! thanks for sharing!

  3. Awww, cute. I've seen fairies in matchboxes but not monsters - how fabulous would they be as Halloween gifts?!

  4. super cool! I like that the monsters have diapers!

  5. Oh, my goodness. His nappy???? You're killing me!

    Hmmmm. What's up? I need to know. You must divulge the goods, pronto.


  6. Hola es mi primera vez aca, tu blog es precioso, me declaro admiradora..gracias por compartir

  7. Thanks for all the nice comments about the little monsters.

    And Amy--you want to know more...well, I will do a full blog post about it when there is more to post, but I can tell you now that this project, as well as the Bitty Bow Wow are going to be in a book that will be released next fall. More to come on that...

    I will be making a handful of these and putting them in my Etsy shop (and i know, I keep saying I am making stuff and putting it in my Etsy shop--but really it will probably be about a month until my next update there...but it will probably be a good sized update when it happens with a variety of items.

  8. super cute. wouldn't those just be great stocking stuffers!!??? who in my family would want some??? hum....

  9. You are so clever.love the monsters.

  10. aaaahhhhh that's way too cute for words. I wanna eat it!

  11. absolutely fantastic!!! thank you so much for sharing!

  12. So cute! I saw these and thought they'd be the perfect little gift for my nieces. Thanks!
