Thursday, December 23, 2010

Blog Crush: Mini Eco

I am in utterly in love with Mini-Eco.  I think I have seen of the tutorials before kicking around on other blogs, but I never really went over for a visit until now--and I am so glad I did .  

There is much color and light and creativity that emanate from this blog--all the things I love.  And her commitment to inspiring her children with what can be made simply...well, love that.
You have to go see it for yourself because there are so many inspiring and simple tutorials--things I would like to make right now (nevermind that it is 1:00am and I am in a hotel room en route to my in-laws for the holidays).  Like this holiday-inspired scented playdough that I will be making as soon as I get back home...
...or these paper beads (because Beeper was just searching for some beads to make necklaces from the other day)...
...or these Halloween-y shadow puppets that will suit Beeper fine any old time of year given his adoration of monsters...
And there is more there--plenty more.  Really, I just want to make it all with Beeper.  At least I know now what we will be doing over holiday break.  Thanks, Kate.
Go have a look for yourself--here.

Note: All photos are courtesy of Mini-Eco and belong to Kate and her wonderful blog.


  1. oohh looks like a fab blog, popping over their now, thanks for the tip off :-)

  2. Thanks so much for introducing me to mini-eco, what an awesome blog! Makes me want to get all crafty with the kiddos instead of doing laundry today!
