Monday, February 21, 2011

Sharing: Projects You Should Check Out

Are you as perpetually amazed as I am at the quantity and quality of projects available to you FOR FREE out and about on the web and in blogland these days?  The amount overwhelms me--just because I want to make them--ALL of them.

Those little-people-style presidents kill me.  And I am so in love withe simplicity of the framed Liberty of London fabrics.  And anything that uses recycled tin cans always gets me--must be my inner-billy-goat.  But go see them all for yourself.  Because you should--they are good.


  1. I love that vintage book idea. I keep wondering when we will all get sick of bunting and suddenly rebel against it... no time soon :)

  2. Jessica--I hear you about the bunting excess. I actually am a little sick of it--but this one, well, I could not resist.

  3. I am always amazed at everything I find online. I wish I had more time, and a cleaner work zone... gonna have to do the tin can organizer!

  4. Eek! I love these, especially the tiles!! How clever!! Definitely will be making some of those. :-)
